Chapter 11: Entrance Exam Part 2

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Izuku's POV:

As I entered the battle ground, I was met with numerous gigantic forest green robots with red glowing eyes that were said to be the 'villains' we were supposed to immobilize.

So this is how UA accept their students for the hero course huh

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So this is how UA accept their students for the hero course huh. I guess it isn't exactly all bad since through this, they would be sure that the students being accepted to the hero course would stood a chance against dangerous villains. But the flaw in this system is, it's disadvantageous to those with quirks unfitting for physical fighting. How come Nezu didn't think of this?

Wasting no time at all, I enabled my quirk as soon as I touched the robots, making sure to exert just the right amount of force to demolish them. I did this, as I didn't want to break my bones. I learned that when I exert too much force to assemble or disassemble something, my bones will deal with a huge amount of damage. One that cannot be repaired even if Kai uses his quick on me. It was great that I learned this at an early time, so no permanent damages were done.

After about 6 and a half minutes, having only almost 3 minutes left for the exam, I had gathered a total of 94 points. So I decided to survey the arena and helped the injured. While I was helping a girl stand up, I spotted a male student with purple messy hair sticking up, lavender colored eyes with huge eye bugs underneath them, looking dejected and remained unmoving.

When I started approaching him, I felt something sting in my heart as I could now see clearly the expression plastered in his face. I knew that expression all too well. It was an expression I could never bring myself to forget. The expression of utter loss. The expression once plastered on the face of a dear friend of mine. I quickly shook my thoughts away, not wanting to think about something I had buried deep within my mind.

Thinking about what could make him have such an expression, I concluded that he must have a quirk that is unideal for immobilizing robots. When I was finally in front of him, I directly asked: "What's your quirk?" which resulted in him raising his eyebrow at me, confused at my sudden intrusion.

"Brainwashing." he replied nonetheless.

"Wow that's so cool. You can easily just brainwash the criminal and have himself turned in." I replied with enthusiasm but with full honesty.

"Really? Don't you think that my quirk is fitting for a villain rather than a hero?" he replied, shocked at my reaction.

"A quirk doesn't defy a person. But rather its their action that defies them. Besides, you could have brainwashed others to have them immobilize the robots for you but you didn't. By the way, what's your name?"

"That's because I didn't want them to fail because of me. And my name is Hitoshi Shinso."

"Then nice to meet you Shinso-kun. And as I was saying earlier, your action for putting others before yourself, proves that you're gonna be a great hero someday."

"You really think so?"

"Yes. So Shinso-kun, use your quirk on me."


"Just hurry, we only have about 3 minutes left."

"Okay, are you sure?"


Huh? I can't seem to move? So this is how it feels like to be brainwashed? Does asking a question trigger his quirk?

"Immobilize the robots you spot and earn me some points."

After his 'order' I began to walk away as I spotted a 3 point robot. Unlike earlier, I didn't touch the robot, but rather touched the ground and turned it into thorns which penetrated the robot. With my fast paced running, I obliterated at least dozens of robots. But then a 20 meter tall 0 pointer robot appeared out of nowhere which caused everyone to run to the opposite direction in panic. Shinso-kun stopped using his quirk on me and yelled. "Run! Or else you'll be crushed to bits."

But instead, I did the exact opposite when I saw a brown haired girl trapped under the crushed concrete near the robot

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But instead, I did the exact opposite when I saw a brown haired girl trapped under the crushed concrete near the robot. I instantly ran forward, but no matter how fast I was, I was no match for the robot. A distance I can cover in 5 seconds, the robot easily covered in a single step.

Having no choice at all, I could only remove my mask and take several deep breaths. I then kneeled in the ground, touching it and exerting a huge amount of force. The ground then turned into one gigantic fist, equal in size to the 20 meter tall robot. I then exerted more force and had the gigantic fist punch the said robot. After the robot had fallen to the ground, broken and demolished, it caused the ground to shake immensely. 

"TIMES UP!!" Present Mic shouted all of a sudden.

Though I began to feel pain in my bones as I had exerted too much force, I'm sure my bones didn't take too much damage so I stood up and proceeded to help the girl get out from the crushed concrete.

"Thank you very much. My name is Ochako Uraraka, what's yours?" she voiced quite energetically even though she had several minor wounds.

"Wait.. you're a hero Izuku aren't you? What are you doing here?" she yelled and attracted more people, as if me demolishing a 20 meter robot wasn't enough.

The area then began to be filled with whispers.

"Hero Izuku? He's here?"

"Wow, it really is him."

"What's he doing here?"

"No wonder he easily destroyed the robot. As expected of the top 16 hero."

"You.. you're hero Izuku?" Shinso-kun asked from behind.

I had noticed earlier that Shinso-kun had followed me when I ran to where the robot was. My heart warmed at the thought of his heroic actions.

"Yeah.. it's me.. surprise?" I uttered in a low voice while rubbing the back of my head in which I immediately regretted as I felt the pain in my hands grew worse.

Suddenly, a short old woman with an injection looking crane approached us and then began to kiss me and the wounded girl. My hand then felt lighter and the pain began to disappear. She must have a healing quirk and healed me when she noticed my hands shaking.

"Well, if it isn't hero Izuku. I heard from Nezu that he offered you to attend UA. I didn't expect you to actually take part in the UA exam." she stated.

"Ah yes..." I replied nervously, not really knowing what to say.

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