Chapter 20: "We do NOT argue like an old married couple"

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Y/n clicked the button to go out of the stream and leaned back into her chair. After sitting in awe from what she just witnessed, she got a notification from her phone. Picking the device up, on the small screen it was displayed that DickheadGinger😎 was calling. Smirking at the name, she picked up and was introduced to an absolute explosion on the other end, the screams cutting out at times. After tossing her phone to the other side of the bed, (though she could still hear him yelling) and waiting for him to cool down, she finally grabbed it and spoke.

"Aye, you done yet?"


"No, I didn't see my best friend's first ever stream because I had better things to do, like clean my desk." Y/n remarked sarcastically.


She ignored him, "Say a single bad thing and I will rip your lungs out."

"His voice was NOT what I was expecting since he's Mexican."

"Crush it with your own head," she raised her voice.

"Cause he's really fucking good at English."

"And feed it to the ducks."

Matt did not pay any attention to what she was saying and kept, in need for a better term, fangirling. "And are we not going to talk about how severely funny this man is?"

He kept going, "Oh and how handsome he is, oh and what a HUNK he is? Awooga, I thought I was a straight male, but Jesus Chris-"

Y/n burst out laughing, "Ok that's enough."

"No brain feeding to the ducks then?"

"You have my word."

"He IS kind of cute though..."


He turned his camera just to show him smirking. He then whipped the camera around to show... Lili sitting on the bed, scrolling through her phone.

Y/n gawked, "Lili I thought you had to go home!"

Upon hearing her name, the bluenette looked up from her screen and flashed a smile, "I did. But only after like 5 minutes. I knew you wanted your alone time with Alex, to go do all your lovey dovey face reveal shit so I decided to watch the stream with Matt. Don't feel bad. As you can see, we weren't doing anything else."

"I wasn't thinking you did..." Y/n muttered, but was shocked as to how well Lili knew her.

Matt gasped, "I'm a good Christian boy Y/n, I know better than that." He mock slapped a hand to his heart.

Y/n snorted, "Yeah sure. Anyways..." she glanced at both of them, "What did you think?"

Lili jumped up from her position and started talking, clearly bursting to say what she had in mind. "Oh my lord, he is so adorable I just want to squeeze him. Though his voice doesn't really match his face. When I first heard it, I expected... well I don't know what I expected, I just wasn't thinking he would look like that." After realizing how that sounded, Lili added on rapidly, "Not saying that's a bad thing though."

Matt looked over at her, "You can take a breath you know."

Y/n intervened before Lili could respond, "Hush, the child is just excited, let her speak."

Lili flipped off the camera before jumping back on the bed. "If I was going to be mom'd by you, I might as well have stayed home."

"But I AM your mom, and Matt is your dad." Y/n argued.

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now