Chapter 22 Crypt Hills High Exposed

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May 22, 1989

Finally it was Monday and it was time to get back to school. (Y/n) left early so she could see everything that will happen at Jason's school before she went back to her school. To keep hidden, she and Alastor climbed up a tree and hid in its shadow. They had a perfect view of Jason's locker. What really surprised her is that she could see Miguel was there too. She knew that he and Jason stopped talking to each other for a while now, but why was he near Jason's locker?

(Y/n) and Alastor could see Jason and Carrie walking towards his locker first, but Luis came in with their school principle. From the looks of it, Luis was still trying to frame her brother. The school principle asked Jason to open her locker. To prove his innocence, Jason listened to her and opened his locker. The school principle takes a look at Jason's locker and she saw that there was no cigarette boxes like Luis said. Luis was looking inside the locker and saw that the cigarette boxes were gone. (Y/n) and Alastor snickered at the sight of Luis making a fool of himself. 

"Ha! Idiot doesn't know that we put cigarette boxes in his locker." (Y/n) tries to calm herself before she could get caught. 

Luis still continues to try to accuse Jason of smoking and selling the cigarettes on school grounds. Jason tries to defend himself and Carrie was there to support him. Suddenly, (Y/n) and Alastor saw something that really surprised them. Miguel comes forward and tells the school principle the truth. He told her to try to check Luis locker. Seeing that this might go on, the school principle went to Luis's locker and asked him to open it. Thinking that he has nothing to hide, Luis opens his locker. Everyone's eyes widen when they saw the cigarette boxes inside. Luis tries to deny them, but no one is believe him. Another thing was shocking to (Y/n) and everyone. Miguel goes to the school principle and gives her his own box of cigarettes. He explains that he and Luis was smoking them on school grounds, but it was only Luis who was trying to persuade other students. Finally hearing enough evidence, the school principle order Luis and Miguel to her office and she'll have a very long talk with them. Miguel and Luis followed their school principle as everyone was staring at them. Miguel looked at Jason on more time before he walked away. 

(Y/n) and Alastor climbed down from the tree and carefully headed back to Crypt Hills Middle school. As they were walking, (Y/n) had her head in the clouds. She couldn't stop thinking about Miguel. He took the blame for nearing getting Jason into trouble. He could be suspended or expelled for what he's done. She knew Miguel for a very long time, he and Jason were best friends since (Y/n) was small. She thought of him as another older brother. Alastor could see that (Y/n) was very deep in her thoughts. 

"A penny for your thoughts, my dear?" Alastor asked. It caused (Y/n) to get out of her mind. "Oh! Sorry, Alastor. I guess that I've very surprised to see Miguel take the fall for what Luis had done. I just hope that he and Jason smooth things over." (Y/n) explains. Alastor smiled at his apprentice. "Only time will tell my dear. Only time will tell. Its best that you pick up the pace because you're going to late for school." (Y/n) began to panic. "Oh shoot! I forgot! School!" (Y/n) quickly picked up the pace and made it to school on time. 

Not muted happened to (Y/n). It was the same old, same old. Paying attention in class, awning out with her friends and avoid Maddie and her goons as much as possible. Soon it was time to go home. 

(Y/n) and Alastor were in the living room reading their own books. (Y/n) was glad her mom was out, because if she ever saw Alastor in his demon form, she would freak out. As they were reading peacefully, there was a knock on the door. Alastor quickly hid in the shadows as (Y/n) goes over to see who it was. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Miguel was there. 

"Hey, (Y/n)." Miguel greeted. 

"Miguel? What are you doing here?" (Y/n) asked. 

"I was just in the neighborhood and I wanted to see how you're doing." Miguel explain. 

(Y/n) wasn't completely convinced. "I'm doing fine, but I know thats not why you're here. Aren't ya?" 

Miguel chuckles and shakes his head. "Nope. I wanted to see if Jason was here. So is he?" 

"Nope, sorry. He's out with Carrie." 

"Figures. Look could you tell your brother that I'm sorry...for everything I've done." 

"But wouldn't it be better for you to tell in person." 

"Yeah, but I bet that he's still mad at me. So could you do me that favor?"

"Sure, I'll tell him." 

"Thanks, (Y/n) Jason's lucky to have a sister like you and thats another reason why I like you." Miguel holds his fist towards (Y/n). "We still cool?" 

(Y/n) smiled and fist bumped him. "Yeah, we're cool." 

Miguel bids her goodbye and goes on his way. Alastor finally comes out of the shadow and stood beside (Y/n). "You sure that you want to forgive him so quickly?" Alastor asked. (Y/n) shrugged her shoulders. "If he ever does something to wrong me or my family then I'll put his name in my notebook. Speaking of notebooks." (Y/n) takes out her notebook from her backpack and turned to find Luis's name. Using her pen, she crossed out his name. That was another person off her revenge list. "I think that's all the people I have finished getting my revenge for now, Alastor." 

Alastor grabs her notebook and viewed at the names she's crossed out. "We may be down with your revenge for now, but that doesn't mean that I've finished training you as my apprentice. Besides, theres more for me to teach you." 

True, there were many things that Alastor will have to teach his apprentice and she couldn't wait to learn more.

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