Chapter 60 Welcome to Heaven (Welcome to Heaven)

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Hey, everyone! Winning the vote is Angel's Group! Looks like (Y/n) will stay in Hell for the meeting, but don't worry, I have something exciting for these chapters! Hope you all enjoy it!

Charlie and Vaggie were in their room as Charlie was packing extra clothes for the trip to heaven. "Okay, I have my warm weather clothes and my cold weather clothes. I have a light jacket, flak jacket, and rain jacket- wait, does it rain in heaven?" She turned to Vaggie.

"Charlie, you're only going to heaven for a few hours." Vaggie said. Charlie stood up. "Vaggie, we are only going to heaven for a day. And I just want to be prepared! It's our last chance to convince heaven a soul can be redeemed." She explains. "Yeah, I wish I could come, sweetie, but I have that...thing." Vaggie lied. "What thing?" Charlie questioned. "The thing with the.. thing uhm.. fuck, gah, I'm such a bad liar." Vaggie admitted since she was caught. Charlie takes her girlfriend's hand. "Vaggie, you're my partner, I need you there with me." Vaggie just sighs. "Fine." Charlie cheers. "Yes!" She kisses Vaggie on the cheek.

The doors open from the entrance of the Hotel to reveal Angel coming back from work. "Oh, fuck." He groans. Niffty pokes her head from a plant while (Y/n) flies down from the ceiling. "Damn, Angel." (Y/n) looked concerned. "You look messy! What happened to you?" Niffty asked. "It's who happened to me, and the answer is everyone! Twice. Val had me working 16 hours straight on a fucking whim. The absolute dickbag." Angel explains as he cracks his back. Niffty hops on and dusts him. Angel flung himself on the couch as (Y/n) patted his head. Suddenly, the wall explodes which startled everyone. "What the fuck is with that wall?!" Angel exclaims. "I am not fixing that again." (Y/n) rubbed her head in annoyance. "What up hoes?" A female voice laughed. "Holy shit! Cherri Bomb? Long time no see, baby!" Angel recognized his best friend. Cherri jumps into the room. "Angie, ya bitch! You've been texting me depressin' shit all day! Figured we could tear shit up like old times. It's been fucking forever!" She playfully punches Angel before she gives a bomb to Charlie. "Here, hold this."

Charlie begins to panic. "Ah! Oh my god! Oh my god!" Vaggie quickly takes it. "Nope, gimme that." Shen then throws it out.

"I love seein' ya Cherri, but I'm too tired. I need to pass out." Angel is about to collapse on the couch, but Cherri stops him. "You can sleep when you're double dead, fuckhead! Come on, what you really need is a recharge! A reinvigoration, a re—" She was cut off my Charlie. "Responsible night on the town! That is a great idea! Hi! Charlie! That's my wall that you just blew up. It's so nice to meet one of Angel's friends! Agh! He never brings anyone around." Charlie smiled. This caused Cherri to snort. "Wonder why." Charlie didn't catch the sarcasm. "Yeah, me too. Anyway, Angel and everyone else have been working so hard, I think they deserve to have a little fun."

"W-w-wait, they?" Cherri was confused. Charlie waves to the others. "Yeah! Hi, everyone! Angel and his friend are taking you all out for a night of fun and relaxation!"

"Wait, I'm only here for Ange—" Cherri soon changed her mind when Charlie gave her a stack of money. "Oh! Never mind, Let's go!"

"Make sure they have the best time tonight!" Charlie smiled. (Y/n) walked over to Charlie. "You're leaving for that meeting right?" Charlie nodded at her. "Okay, might be better if you had extra backup." (Y/n) used her fingers to whistle. Cerise and Garnet came running out and hopped on (Y/n)'s shoulders. "Take Cerise and Garnet with you. Just in case." (Y/n) told. Charlie nodded in agreement. "Sure thing, (Y/n)." With that, Cerise and Garnet hopped on Charlie's shoulders. "Anyway, the portal to heaven should be opening right about..." The Heaven portal suddenly appears. "Now!" Charlie squeals in delight. She grabs Vaggie and yeets her into the portal. "Bye!" Charlie waved as she left with (Y/n)'s pets.

Once they were gone, Sir Pentious strolls in drinking his drink. He finally notices Cherri and spits out his beverage. "Well! If it isn't my arch-nemesis! Have you come to meet your fate in battle, Cherri Bomb?" He asked in a dramatic stance before he tripped. "Apparently, I'm going out with Angel and I gotta drag your sorry asses along." Cherri then chews some gum. "Oh, oh, you and me are going out for fun? I... I didn't think this would ever happen. What-What do I do? What do I wear??" He placed his hand on her shoulder. She then gripped his hand. "Don't fuckin' touch me, ya munted dickhead." Once she walked away, Sir Pentious blushed at the interaction he had with her.

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