Chapter 28 Summer is coming close

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June 5, 1989

Monday school day, meaning its the last week of school and four more days until summer vacation. Every student was excited for their summer break to come. Well, some students would have to go to summer school such as Margaret and Isabella. As for Madeline, she was still being sent to a reform school school for the entire summer. (Y/n) was delighted to learn that justice is finally served to those three. The girls are not the only ones getting justice, Ian was going to summer school since no one would work with him and they didn't want to be doing all work while he took all the credit. The consequences for not doing his work is to make him go to summer school. 

Right now, (Y/n) was with her main friend group as a few more people were joining them for lunch. 

"....then, he tried to make me do all the work while he took the credit." A girl told her story about working with Ian. "Yep, that sounds like him." (Y/n) took a bite of her sandwich. "So you said that your sister is going to reform school?" Jenny asked. "Yep. Finally the house is going to be peaceful again." (Y/n) said. She and her friends continued to laugh and chit chat about the days they will get to spend together for the longest summer of their lives. (Y/n) and her main group noticed that some of their other friends they made decided to join the table as they squeezed in together. They laughed about the table being small, but they were able to solve that solution by bringing in another table anymore chairs so everyone can sit together. Now that more friends decided to come, (Y/n) and her main group decided to invite them for their list of fun things they would do for the summer and they agreed to it.Though some may have other plans with their other friends and family. 

Alastor hid in the shadows and smiled at his apprentice. He was glad that she was able to have her smile again and make new friends. He was really proud of her and he can't wait to do more lesson for her in the summer since she's going to have more free time. As he continued to watch over his apprentice, he noticed a certain boy walking towards them. No surprised that he had his  cast off from (Y/n) breaking his bone a few months ago and after those months it finally fully healed. 

"My ears were burning and I knew you girls were talking about me." Ian stood behind (Y/n). 

(Y/n) groans in annoyance and stood up. "Well, its hard to not talk about the boy that was just using us to get a good grade." 

"Come on, (Y/n). Thats ancient history and I've changed after those months. How about you and me just kiss and make up." Ian puckers his lips ready, but (Y/n) pinches his lips with her sharp nails.

"Yeah, thats not going to happen. I've learned to never trust little leeches like you." Once (Y/n) released his lips, Ian accidently falls on his back. "If I were you I would go before I embarrass you like last time." She bends down to him. "And if you ever mention Shannon again in my presence, you're going to be sorry." She said low enough for him to here. Ian was so scared that he immediately stood up and ran. Her friends quickly laughed at Ian. 

"Did you see his face?!" 

"That was priceless!" 

Since her friends were too busy laughing, they didn't notice that Alastor and (Y/n) exchanged a wink towards each other. 

It was finally time for school to end. Most of the students were by their lockers as they were getting their things for home. (Y/n) got all her material and closed her locker. As she was walking towards the exit, she was blocked by her three least favorite. 

"Madeline, Margaret, Isabella. Would you mind getting out of the way? I wanna go home." (Y/n) said. "Sure, after you explain to me why you suddenly gotten popular?" Madeline glared. (Y/n) acted confused since she knew why people are liking her better. "It didn't make since you are nothing but a useless worm." Madeline barked. (Y/n) pretended to think for a moment. She points at Madeline. "Well, it because you're green with envy, because you want everything to be about you." (Y/n) points at Margaret. "You're a girl who can't control her anger with red covering her whole body." (Y/n) finally points at Isabella. "And you're just a scared little mouse who follows commands by those dumb girls." The three girls scoffed at her. "I'm just telling you guys the truth. People see who you really are and they don't have to be afraid of you anymore." (Y/n) crossed her arms. Madeline got so upset that she and Margaret left, leaving (Y/n) and Isabella alone. 

"You know that you're little spotlight won't last forever and after that happens, everyone will us better than you. Its a shame that Shannon won't be there to comfort you when you lose all of your friends." Isabella tried to get on (Y/n)'s nerves. 

(Y/n) glares at Isabella. "Be careful what you say, Isabella, because things could come back to bite you." 

"That won't happen because I'll have my friends to be there for me. You should come back and hang out with us again just like we were little." Isabella offered. 

"Why would I have friends like you fools. I have new friends and I had Shannon as my best friend." (Y/n) crossed her arms. 

"Jealous much? I bet Shannon wouldn't hang out with you anymore." What Isabella said was the last straw. (Y/n) wanted to slap her but she held back her anger. 

"Isabella, why can't you be a real friend again? Why are you such a mega-bitch!"

"Because I can be." 

(Y/n) takes a deep breathe in. "You think you're so tough by saying that to me? No, you're just a coward. I scared little mouse. You think that Madeline and Margaret are friends? They're just using you. I feel sorry for you since they forget your own birthday. I would always get you that red velvet cupcake for your birthday every year, but now you're just a nobody to me. You're a nobody just like Madeline and Margaret." (Y/n) walked away, leaving a stunned Isabella in the halls. Isabella was starting to feel regretful and she hadn't felt that in a long time. 

(Y/n) was in her room as she was holding the picture frame of her and Shannon. She felt tears running down her cheeks as she missed her best friend. She felt Alastor placed his hand on her shoulder as he comforts her. He grabs a handkerchief as he wipes away her tears. "Now, now, my young apprentice. No need for tears. All is well now." He smiled at her. "Now, I have something that might cheer you up." Now (Y/n) was intrigue by what he had in mind. 

"Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?" Alastor asked. 

(Y/n) tilted her head. "No, why?"

"Great food! No atmosphere!" Alastor told another dad joke. 

(Y/n) was so surprised that she bursted out laughing. "Okay, that joke was terrible, but it got me laughing." 

Alastor patted her head. "That's my girl. Now, why don't I tell you about some demons in hell?" Now that really caught (Y/n)'s attention. Alastor began to explain how demons were a bit different from the stories she's heard. True, they were cruel, but not all of them are powerful like him. He explains that some demons are him are called overlords and they control their own territories. Alastor may not want power, but he was still one of the many powerful demons. Some demons are normal and try to survive the chaos of hell and some were hell-borns. 

"Wait, wait, wait. There's a demon that has a TV for a head? That can't be true." (Y/n) shook her head. "I'm afraid its true, (Y/n). He is my rival and I hope that you will not have to meet him." Alastor explains more. "You must really hate this guy, huh?" (Y/n) asked. "I have a very deep hatred towards him." Alastor said. (Y/n) chuckles and looks out her window. She didn't even realized that the sun was setting. Alastor grabbed her attention back when he mentioned that he will be teaching her voodoo magic in the summer. That is something that (Y/n) is looking forward too. 

Out of the blue, they heard a loud boom from outside. (Y/n) and Alastor went to see fireworks were set off. Not just any fireworks, but they were coming from the summer carnival. 

"You see that, Alastor? That's the summer carnival. Jason is taking Carrie there for their date tonight and that's where I'm going when my summer break comes." (Y/n) pointed towards the carnival that was far from her home. Alastor smiled at her. "I'm sure that you will have a grand time with your friends and family. Not only that, but you'll enjoy the lesson I have planned just for you." (Y/n) was so excited that she can hardly wait. 

Somewhere in the summer carnival, a certain someone was sneaking around as he was stealing firework for a prank that will teach a certain brother and sister from messing with him. He only needs someone else's help that can pull off this prank. He goes over to a payphone to call someone he'll know who can help. 

"Hey, Miguel. I have a favor to ask you that will help make this summer the best...." 

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