Chapter 32 Man with the Hex

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(I stumbled upon this amv and this music really does go well with Alastor, so if you want to see it on youtube, just search up Alastor Man with the Hex. This video needs more love and appreciation and a big applause for the creator of this video.)

After seeing the corpse of his apprentice, Alastor made his way back to hell as he continued his search. He search as much as he could in Pentagram City, but nothing so far. Seeing no luck, Alastor decided to call in some friends to come help him in the search for his apprentice. Using his magic, Alastor teleports his closest friends, Niffty and Husk. They were both confused about how they got to Alastor so fast. "Nice to see you both again." Alastor greeted. 

"Hi, Alastor!" Niffty waved at him. "You better have a fucking good reason why you pulled us out of nowhere again!" Husk growls. 

"She's dead." That was the only thing Alastor said. Now, it got Husk and Niffty attention. "The kid?" Husk asked. Alastor nodded. "How?" Husk asked again. Alastor began to Husk and Niffty everything that happened at (Y/n)'s school as she tried to contact him with the mirror he gave her. How she wasn't able to use her magic, how she was killed in the fire and who was the one who started the fire. 

"Damn.....That's terrible." Husk said as he still tried to process what happened to Alastor's apprentice. "Oh, that poor girl! She could be anywhere in hell!" Niffty exclaims. 

"That is why I summoned you both to help me on my search for her." Alastor uses her magic and two photos of (Y/n) appeared. He handed the photos each to Niffty and Husk. Even though they knew that (Y/n) may be different since she's a demon now, but looking at the photo could help them find a girl with the same features as her. They agreed to split up to cover more ground and they will regroup back in 30 minutes. 

Husk went from bar-to-bar and casino-to-casino to try to find any leads of (Y/n). Sharing the photo of (Y/n), no one has seem has seen a young demoness with the similar features. Husk even had to beat the crap out of some demons who refused to talk or messing with him for money. With no leads, he decided to meet back with the others. As for Niffty, she was going to all the streets she could to see if she can either find (Y/n) or see any demon that seen the teenager. As Niffty asked all the demons she could, no one has been (Y/n) or anything that might lead to her. Last, Alastor went back to Cannibal Colony to see if anyone a young demoness with the same features as (Y/n). Sadly, they didn't neither. Alastor went back to see Rosie and gave her a photo copy of (Y/n), so she can get an idea of how (Y/n) looked like. Rosie smiled and offered as much help as she could to help her friend find his apprentice. Alastor as more people if they've seen (Y/n), but like the others, no such luck. Alastor walked back to meet with Niffty and Husk, but he noticed a group of dead bodies near him. He thought they were from the Extermination, but he noticed something odd about them. He moved towards the bodies and examines them. Although the bodies were dead, they were freshly killed. As he continued to examine the bodies, Husk and Niffty found him, and walked towards them. 

"We were looking for you-What the fuck are you doing?" Husk raised his brow. "These gentlemen have been killed recently." Alastor replied as he didn't look away from the bodies. "Whoever did this sure made a big mess." Niftfty commented. Suddenly, they heard a trashcan fell. They turned towards the source of the sound and saw a demon trying to get out of the trash. The moment he saw Alastor, he freaked out and try to make a break for it. Before the sinner could escape, Alastor spatial warped in front of the demon and blocked his path. "Why the sudden rush, my good fellow?" Alastor questioned. The sinner tried to escape again, but Husk and Niffty blocked his path. Alastor grabbed the sinner collar shirt and lefts him up. "We won't take much of your time, my good sir. We just want to ask you a question." 

Niffty goes up to the sinner and shows her the photo of (Y/n). "Have you seen this girl?" She asked. The moment the sinner saw the photo, he began to freak out than he did before. "That crazy, little bitch tried to kill me!!!" Alastor got angry and had the demon face him. "You have exactly 10 seconds to explain why you called that girl a terrible name." Alastor voice became deeper with rage. "That girl killed my entire team because we wanted to put her up for the highest bidder so she can be a slave!!!!!" The sinner explained quickly. "And where exactly did she headed?" Alastor asked as he brought the sinner closer. The sinner raised his shaky hand and pointed at the direction (Y/n) walked towards. "Husk, Nifftym why don't you go on ahead and try to search for (Y/n), while I express my gratitude to this gentleman for giving us such useful information. Husk and Niffty nodded as they went to go find (Y/n). The demon was shaking in fear as he was still on Alastor's grasp. "You know, what you tried to do to my young apprentice is not acceptable behavior..." Alastor slowly transforms into his full demon for, "And you should be an example....OF WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LAY A HAND ON HER!!!" Throughout the street, the sinners cry of pain could be hears as he was being teared apart by Alastor. 

Alastor transformers back to normal as he uses a handkerchief to clean his hands. After that, he began to walk forward so he can catch up to Niffty and Husk. He paused for a moment before looking back at the bodies. He smiled wickedly at the work his apprentice had done. "It appears my apprentice is stronger than I thought." Alastor raised his hand out and summons his microphone staff. "I am thrilled that my apprentice is a strong one and it will be very entertaining to see how powerful she will become." 

Alastor continued his walk and he continued to smile. "I have many lesson to teach to become powerful like myself, my young apprentice."

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