Chapter 2 - The Darkness.

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All I know is that it is dark and, even with my hands tied to the floor, all of my body could feel the sides of the walls. In front of me was a little slit in my cage where I can see out of.

He gives me food and water through it.

I would only be let out in the morning when he woke up and the evening when he got back home to be "trained" for a few hours at a time.

He said that I had to be ready with those piercing blue eyes staring at me.

It was something about him that made me want to make him happy.

Maybe it was his strong jawline or the way his short black hair was messy on his head or his almost white skin.

I thought for a moment and realized it was the idea of being "punished" if I made him mad.

I shuddered at the thought.

My ears picked up and my breathing caught in my throat when I heard the front door close. This was followed by the jingle of keys and footsteps coming in my direction.

Soon though, he came into view as I could see he was wearing a penguin suit. His ice-blue eyes landed on me and I thought I could smell some sort of meat.

My stomach growled as he started to open the cage.

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