Chapter 10 - The Start of Something Horrible.

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The next day I woke up in a strange new room which smelt like sweat and dust.

The room was dark apart from light coming from a small window to the right of me. From this, I could see the slices of different things around the room like how there was a bed pushed up against the left wall, and beside it was some sort of dresser.

As I looked closely, I realized that there were two people on the bed sleeping peacefully.

I thought I could stand up.

I was wrong.

It seems that my hand and feet were tied down to something but I could not make out what it was.

As I laid there with my cheek pressed against the cold floor, I realized that I had made too much noise as one of the figures had groaned. The next thing I saw was that the same strange figure getting out of bed as the bed groaned from the release of his weight and I held my breath.

Several long seconds passed before the figure was able to get to the other side of the room and on a harsh blinding light.

After a lot of squinting and opening my eyes several times, I was able to see the whole room for what it was.

The room was not massive but it was at least 10x bigger than my room. One half of the room had drawing hung up to the wall that was painted blue with a white carpet on it. This was the side where the bed, door, dresser, and the light switch.

However, on the other side of the room, the carpet had seemed to run out as it exposed the cold wooden floor underneath. This was where the radiator that I was tied up to the radiator and the walls were bare except for the peeling blue paint.

I looked over to the two people in the room with me and the one that was next to the light switch had short black hair and the same striking green eyes as Maranda and skin colour.

The person in the bed had messy blond hair, baby blue eyes, and pale skin that was nearly white.

"Martin. I should go. I will see you tomorrow though." The blue eye guy said as he started to cross the room and kissed Martin on the lips before he left.

Martin smiled and waved at him before he closed the door and turned towards me.

Instantly the smile dropped and his green eyes glared at me.

He raised one figure towards me and said.

"You made his leave!" Now he had come right up to me and started to jab his finger into my arm.

I flinched back but that was a mistake.

A menacing smile spread across his face and before I knew it, he had started punching me.

The first punch made me scream out in pain and I was slapped across the face. After that, I took the punches keeping the pain to myself as tears ran down my cheeks.

Soon after I could hear someone pounding on the door in front of me and as my vision started to fade, I saw Maranda pulling Martin off of me and saying someone about him going to kill me.

I could not hear them though but as the darkness consumed me, I felt a small smile spread across my face.

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