Chapter 12 - The Things That Haunted My Nightmare.

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Did I keep being beaten by Martin and helped by Maranda for about 14 days?

That is before the next hell began.

I had heard people talking about someone named Carlo and how he has a sick sense of humour.

I was scared of meeting this Carlo fellow.

But one day my fears came into reality.

I did not know what I did to deserve it but I remember that I blamed myself.

I had just woken up in my room when I heard someone storming towards my room and then it stopped right in front of the door.

I could hear something being peeled away and I realised that this sound sounded familiar.

I had expected the click, click of the door being opened and I realized that I had always heard that peeling sound before the door would be opened.

As the door flew open someone unfamiliar stood at the door and for the first time, I could see a sliver of what the kitchen looked like.

The kitchen was sparkling clean and there was a single dull light hanging above it. The tiles of the floor were black and that colouring scheme followed throughout.

The kitchen had every appliance that you would need in a kitchen such as an oven, a microwave, a kettle, and a toaster. I think there was a sink but I could not quite make it all out.

I turned my attention back to the young boy in front of me that looked like he was 10 years old. He had bright purple eyes that seemed to intrigue me and make me feel scared at the same time. He had light brown hair that seemed to be lighter in the sun.

He wore a menacing smile that sent chills up my spine.

I gulped as he closed the door and started making his way slowly towards me.

As he came closer towards me, I could smell the reeking scent of cigarettes.

He stalked towards me and I felt like pray about to be killed by a predator.

When he got to me, I could feel his breath on my skin as he started to slowly remove all my clothes.

Throughout this, I was shaking in fear and I had backed myself up against my bed.

I could feel tears running down my cheeks as he ripped off the last of my cloves.

He bought out some rope from his jacket pocket and started to tie my hands to one of the legs of my bed.

As he went to remove his clothes. I turned my head away from him but once he was fully naked, he turned my head towards him.

He started to wipe my tears and told me...

"Don't worry. It will soon be over." His voice chilled me to the core.

He looked down at the scars on my body and I instantly felt uncomfortable. A sick smile started to spread across his face.

Suddenly, he stood up and headed towards his clothes and I was happy that I could turn my head away once again.

I could hear him rummaging around in his jacket pocket. I knew when he had found what he was looking for because I could hear a triumph laugh.

In the corner of my eye, I could see what he had found it was a needle that contained a purple liquid.

I had seen this liquid before when I was going to be packed up to go to this awful place.

I tried to get away but I could not. In my struggles, I did not realize that he had come closer to me and as he jabbed the needle into my neck if clicking in my head that he was Carlo.

As my vision started to go blurry, I could see Carlo putting the needle back into his jacket pocket.

As the darkness consumed me, I could see his getting closer and closer to me.

The next time I woke up was the same day it happened and about an hour before my regular beatings with Martin.

I could feel that my lower body was acting and I has the feeling if dread consumed me as I realized  what Carlo had done to me while I was unconscious.

He had raped me.

That night, after my beating, I woke up screaming and panting. My head was re-playing the event in my mind that had happened earlier in that day.

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