Chapter 13 - My Memories.

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I was sat on my bed thinking about my past but I could only remember bleary parts of everything before the box and afterwards.

I know that I can remember my mother. With her long mousy brown hair flowing in the wind and the way she smiled from her eyes. The way her emerald eyes shinned in the sunlight.

But it was like a still image in my mind and I could not remember her mannerisms or the way she talked.

I could also remember my brother though not as much as my mother but I could remember his voice asking me to read him a bedtime story.

As I sat thinking about it, I felt horrible because I could not remember what my own brother looked like.

I hated myself for that fact.

As I sat there thinking about it, I heard the cat flap on my door open and something slid through.

Then I could hear it close and then it swung back and forth a couple of times.

When I looked up, I saw a tray full of food but I could not make out what kind of food it was. Next to it was a bottle of clean fresh water.

I had not had clean water for a long, long time.

Every day a new meal would come through the cat flap after the sound of something peeling.

I had concluded that the must be covering up their side of the door with paper or wallpaper.

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