Chapter 17 - The Pain Ended.

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One day when the dad forgot to lock me back up after he had been whipping my back. I had known that he was drunk as I could smell the alcohol on his breath and now and again, he would stumble and miss my back.

So, I was not that surprised that he was not able to remember to put me back in the cold metallic handcuffs. I was actually counting on it.

I slowly stood up feeling my whole-body scream in pain at the movement.

Once I stood up, I could see spots of color burst into my vision and I could feel as though my head was going to explode.

After a while, though my vision became clear and I could feel exactly how hungry I was. It felt like my body was being eaten from the inside out.

My eyes started to water as I stumbled towards the door but before I got there, I fell on something.

I felt confused as I fell into the door. However, I thought I might have just been because I was stumbling in the dark as I was in great pain.

I slowly lowered myself towards the floor to check if anything was there.

My hand touched the cold tile floor and I retracted it in shock.

I hadn't expected it to be that cold but when I reached my hand to touch the cold, smooth surface again I could feel something underneath my hand and I carefully picked the object up.

I slowly started to turn the cold object around in my hand and I was shocked to realize that it was a key.

I put the key on my left-hand side as I put my right-hand side up to the wall. In the pitch-black, I slowly turned around to face the door and I slowly found where the door lock is.

Once it was locked, I could feel a slight sting on my middle finger and I guested that I had somehow cut my finger on the door lock. With shaking hands, I was able to put the key in the lock and I could feel the warm blood running down my middle finger.

I had known that the door was locked as before he left the dad had locked it and left. I remember the look that seemed to stab me in the heart before he left.

As I turned the key in the lock, I could hear a slight click as the door became unlocked.

I could feel my heart speeding up and tears start to sting my eyes at the thought of being free.

I opened the door slowly and I was able to savor the light from the outside world as it started to trickle in.

The first place I could think of going is going back to the hell house. This surprised me as I hated that place but at the same time, I called it home.

My mind then flashed to the still image of my mother but by this point, I could not remember where she lived or how to get there.

The first thing that my eyes could see of the outside world was the trees that had lush green leaves on them.

I wanted to step outside and feel the bark of the trees on my hand. As I took my first step towards the trees, I could feel the emerald green grass beneath my feet.

I could feel tears fall down my cheeks because for the first time in a long time I finally felt free.

There was hope in my heart as I slowly made my way over towards the group of giant trees.

I could feel my middle finger on my left-hand stinging. So, I ran my right hand over the bark of the tree.

I could feel my heart start to beat rapidly as my hand ran over the ruth surface of the tree bark and I started to take in the smell of the grass. As well as the smell of the leaves and the sound of the birds chirping in the trees.

I knew though that I had to get someone to help take me back to my real family and tell me my real name.

I wanted desperately to see my family again.

As I slowly started to stumble towards the hell house police sirens started to fill my ears.

I felt overjoyed as I knew that mine and Maranda's plan had worked.

I started pumping my legs as fast as I could towards the sound of police sirens and I started to hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears.

My breathing was starting to come out in short sharp gasps and each movement made me want to scream at the top of my lungs.

But I never expected what was about to happen.

As I heard guns being shot, I never imagined that I would be the one being shot at.

As the bullets pierced my skin and I fell backward onto the soft grass I could see Maranda hovering over me.

I suddenly felt something wet hit my cheek and I realized that she wet crying and saying something. However, I could not hear her over the ringing in my ears.

Though as the darkness consumed my vision, I could not help but feel happy as all the pain would finally be over.

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