chapter nineteen | documenting a blissful night with him

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happy march everyone!! i hope you've all been well. welcome to my most favorite chapter i've written in a really long time. kindly point out any typos/mistakes, and enjoy ;)

***IMPORTANT*** if my plan goes as is, next chapter is going to be especially triggering for me, as it's going to be about sylvia's funeral. it's going to be a really difficult chapter for me to write. i'm kinda already tearing up just thinking about it lol. hope you can be patient with me. thank you so much x


"So this is love. So this is what makes life divine."

— Cinderella


Night had fallen

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Night had fallen. Chris didn't win the contest earlier today, but I felt like a total winner waiting to jump into his arms after he got off the stage. I did grill him a little bit about disappearing on me, though. In the end, there was no way I could stay mad at him, so the rest of our time at the festival was as enjoyable as it could be.

Fraser was so pleased with Chris for going to join his friend's contest that he gifted him a free drawing of a stunning underwater coral scene. I ended up going back for that beautiful quilt as a souvenir for Papa (and me, since I planned to use it on the living room couch). I also purchased a unique set of playing cards that I thought I could play with the gang, as well as some hand-crafted jewelry for Jessica and London. Chris bought a few things for his family, and with the leftover money we had from Reece, we used mainly for food. We were definitely not ashamed of it. We had the most amazing wrapped crepes, deliciously seasoned potato rings on a stick, refreshing watermelon juice, and a couple macarons each. By the end of the day, the evening walk was needed to work off all this food, but all the food in our stomachs did make it a bit difficult.

"Hey, do you hear that?

Chris squeezed my hand and pulled me to a stop. He was looking at the brick wall lining the path next to us. I strained my ears, trying to hear what he was referring to over the sound of cars, people passing by, and the music in the distance. He released my hand and stepped up to the wall. He gripped the top edge and jumped, using his arms to hoist himself high enough that he could see the other side. I blanched.

"Chris!' I hissed, slapping the side of his legs. "Get down! You look like you're breaking in."

"Don't worry," he said as he landed back on his feet and brushed the dirt off his hands. "This is our hotel, see?"

I craned my neck upwards. From the back, there was nothing recognizable. It was just an ordinary rectangle shaped building with windows dotted symmetrically up to the top. I indicated that to Chris with a shrug of my hands and shoulders. "Can't tell. But what'd you see?" I asked.

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