Chapter 3: Finding The Mate

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Thom's P.O.V

I was suddenly awoken by a dam of freezing cold water on my head. My eyes flickering open and my mind now being altert, I discovered my mother's smirking face. 

"Morning honey"

"Morning mom" I spoke groggily.

"You know what day it is today"


"No honey, it's your 18th birthday! You're finally going to find your mate." She grinned.

As she spoke, my father bursted into the room.

"Son, get up!"

"Why" I groaned.

"One: you have school and two: there's something outside for you"

At his words I leaped out of the comforts of my bed. I hastily trampled down the stairs whilst flailing my arms in the air. Arriving at the door, I noticed a strange blue envolope taped to the back of the door, which had my name on. After removing the letter from the door, I could feel something sharp within it. Without any hesitation I tore the envolope apart revealing a single car key. I gaped at my parents in shock. 

"Are you actually serious?!" I all but screamed at them. At this point they were just grinning.

"Go look outside, son"

I did as he said and flung the door open, revealing a black Nissan GTR. I slipped into a state of shock.  I gave my parents a thankful hug before sliding in the car and speeding towards school.

After the suprisingly short journey I arrived at school. I stepped out of my new baby and was greeted by a pleasantly sweet scent. Must hurry into school. My wolf whispered to me. 

I wasn't about to complain and followed my wolf's instinct. Upon entering the school the scent grew stronger, but i still couldn't tell who or what it was. I was wandering where the scent led me. 

Suddenly I came across her. 

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