Chapter 17: Breakdowns and motherly love

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Eoife's P.O.V

OMG this can't be happening to me. I am only 18, still at school. I can't do this I need to get away, I need to get out of this hospital bed. Pulling myself up I detach all the stupid thingys that are clinging desperately on my body. Thom had left to get me some stuff from home and I had asked the Pack Doctor to leave a while ago.

I quickly and slyly left the room then the pack house. I began to sprint to the one place I felt safe. The Cemetery. Upon arriving I went straight to Dad's grave.

'I'm so sorry Daddy, I've let you down.' I whispered, thinking. 'How am I supposed to bring a baby into this world, when I'm not even sure if I want to be in it?'

Lately my depression had gotten worse, well since the reports of me being pregnant. It's funny how I have the man of my dreams and a baby growing inside of me yet I feel so alone, like there is no one on this earth but me. I slowly begin to cry, wondering how long it's going to be before anyone notices that I'm gone. Does anyone care? Probably not. Looking at the trees surrounding me, thoughts begin entering my head. I begin entertaining the idea of hanging myself. No, snap out of it Eoife, get over yourself.

I lay on my Daddy's grave wanting to kill myself, when here laid my father who wanted to live, who wanted to see me get married, succeed in life, start a family. But now he wasn't going to be there, there was no one to walk me down the aisle, my kids were going to grow up without a Grandpa. What sort of a life could my baby have without the most influential person in their mom's life being there? Sure they'd be Alpha or Luna one day but what did that matter? They were going to grow up with a depressed mother and an amazing father. Maybe I should just leave, Thom doesn't want me anyway.

I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of a person coming closer. Looking up I saw my mom. She looked sad but relieved to see me.

'My baby, It's been so long since I've seen you. Where did you go?'

'I found my Mate, momma. He's the best thing in my life right now.'

'Oh baby, I'm so happy for you. When can I meet him?'

'You probably already have, he's Alpha Thom.'

'Oh my, you did well for yourself, your daddy would be so proud of you.'

'I doubt it momma, I messed up mom.'

'How baby, how did you mess up?'

'I'm... Pregnant...' I sob out.

'That's great baby.'

'How is it ma? I'm not even married yet. What church is going to want me after I got pregnant before marriage.'

'Remember baby, God loves everyone.'

'But ma'

'No you shut up my child, I love you, this Thom boy loves you. You are in good health, so stop complaining.'

'Ok momma,'

'Now let's get you home before Thom starts worrying,'

She pulled me up onto my feet and pulled me into a tight embrace before dragging me towards the exit. We slowly got into her car. Looking around it was filled with tissues and cigarettes.

'I didn't know you smoked.'

'I don't, that god damned brother of yours does and he keeps stealing my car.'

'Momma I've got something to tell you....'

'What is it, spit it out now child.'

'Tommy, he used to hurt me, really bad. That's why I left.'

'What do you mean?'

'He used to hit me and he even broke my arm one time.'

'How does he find the time to do it.'

'He'd wait until you went on business trips or stayed at work for a couple of days and do it then.'

'Is that why you left?'

'Yeah Thom stopped he one day after dancing, Tommy almost killed me momma, Thom saved me.'

'I'm liking this boy more by the minute, right we are here.'

Looking up I could see the pack house and walking out of it was a worried looking Thom.

'Eoife O'Connor do not ever leave like that again, I was so scared, I thought you were dead or something.'

'Excuse me young man, I'd appreciate it if you didn't speak to your girlfriend and my daughter like that.'

'I'm sorry, I was just worried about her and the baby that is all.'

'I understand that but this girl needs some TLC right now, so that's what we are going to give her.'

'Yes m'am'

'Now don't you be calling me m'am now boy it makes me sound old. Call me Momma Georgie please.'

'Momma, shut up, you're embarassing me.'

'Child do you have a death wish, sass mouthing me.'

'No momma, I'm sorry momma.'

'It's fine baby, just don't do it again.'

'Ok, Momma.'

'Now the let's get on with preparing you for the pregnancy and boy you better be thinking of proposing soon,'

'Yes M'a... Momma Georgie.'

And in we went to the large pack house of warmth.


Hey Guys,

I hope you are enjoying the book so far. This is quite a long chapter for me. I appreciate any feedback, sorry I haven't been uploading recently but the stress of year 11 and exams mean I've been busy. But to make up for it I'm uploading twice in about 3 hours. So go me. I love you guys, keep reading.


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