Chapter 18: Introducing Momma

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Chapter 18:

Thom's P.O.V.

After Eoife had returned with her mom, I felt so relieved. I've got to admit that meeting Eoife's mom was pretty scary, she was the exact opposite of what I was expecting. Taking Eoife back into the pack house was hard, I felt all the pain she felt, I knew she was worried about being pregnant it is a really big pressure after all. But I would be there for her and the baby, I was going to be the best father I could possibly be.

Eoife had gone up to bed for a nap because she was tired after her little adventure today, so it was just me and her mom sat downstairs. We sat in silence for a while, examining each other, judging each other. She reluctantly broke the silence.

'So how did you and Eoife meet?'

'We go to the same school, she bumped into me and I helped her up.'

'Always was a clumsy kid, her daddy said she'd grow out of it'

'She certainly is very clumsy but I guess that's what I love about her.'

'Keep her safe. It's the least she deserves after everything she's been through.'

'Did you seriously not know about Tommy beating her?'

'Nope, I failed as a mother, work has always been more important especially since her daddy died.'

'You understand that I'm not going to let her go home don't you.' I said.

'Yes, just as long I still get to see her, you keep her where she's safe ok.'

'Thank you.'

'Just remember that if you hurt her, I don't care that you're the alpha, I will come and gut you and leave you out for the humans.' She said smirking.

Sat in shock I hardly noticed a sleepy Eoife walking in.

'What are you guys talking about?'

'Nothing baby.' Her mom replied. 'Well I best be getting home to that moron that is your brother. It was lovely to meet you Thomas.'

'It's Thom Momma, not Thomas.'

'Honey, I've known this boy since he was born, he's a Thomas.'

'Sorry Momma.'

'Bye Sweetheart.'

'Bye Momma.'

With that she swiftly left without a goodbye to me. But then again why would she say goodbye. Eoife walked up to me and placed her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek.

'I Love you...... Thomas.' She said smirking.

'I love you too baby.'

'Babe, you know you love me....' She said in a sickly sweet voice.


'Me and the baby want pancakes.'

'Oh do you now?'


'Fine only the best for my princess and baby.'

With that I quickly began preparing pancakes for Eoife, half an hour later and a lot of moaning I presented Eoife with a plateful of pancakes for us both to eat. But by the time I had gotten the golden syrup and chocolate sauce Eoife had already eaten three pancakes and working her way through the fourth.

'Baby, where are all the pancakes?'

'In my belly with the baby.'

'Someone's feeling cheeky today.' I sung before Eoife stuck her tongue out at me.

'Someone's going to pay now.' I said seductively before tiggling her.

'Stop. Thomas. Stop now.' She screamed out. My mom quickly come running in after hearing Eoife's screams, with a worried expression.

'Is everything ok, is the baby ok?' She flustered.

'Thom won't stop tiggling me.' Eoife spoke in a childish way.

'Thomas Holloway, stop that right now.'

'Sorry Mom.'

'Ok, it's getting late, have dinner then get ready for bed you have school tomorrow.'

Eoife didn't need to be told twice, as soon as the words dinner had left my mom's mouth she was rooting through the freezer looking for food. We settled on pizza in the end, her favourite. After Eoife had eaten about two thirds of the pizza, we went up to bed. Readying ourselves for a busy day the next day. The doctor said that Eoife was about 5 weeks pregnant so no-one at school would be able to notice for a little while yet. I knew she was anxious about people finding out, she was worried that she'd get bullied again but I wouldn't let that happen ever again. She was mine and it was my job to look after her.


Hey Guys,

I hope you are liking the story so far. Thanks for reading. Any ideas for names for the baby. What do you think is going to happen next? Is Eoife going to get bullied again. I love you guys, keep reading. Sorry for not updating in like a month but at least I've updated now.


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