Chapter 15: Right and Wrong

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Eoife's P.O.V.

After an eventful maths lesson filled with laughs and fun, I sadly had to go to my next lesson. Before leaving me and Bethy gave one more plea to stay in Maths.

'Please Sir, can't you just give us a detention that is run during next period.'

'Girls, You know I can't do that. We go through this every lesson, as amazing as I am I have other lessons to attend.'

'BOOO' We shout before laughing and saying our goodbyes.

Walking through the busy corridors, Bethy starts acting shifty and tries to leave me.

'Eoife, as much as I love you, I need to skip for awhile you can cover me right?'

'Where are you going?'


'Where?' Realizing I'm not going to get a straight answer out of her I let her leave before walking to English. English with Thom.

I walk into English and immediately run to my chair in an attempt not to be noticed by Jasz. But that girl has hawk eyes and notices my scent before I even make it to my chair.

'Oi slut, did you like your little surprise I left ony our locker?' So it was her, the nasty Bitch. She continued to tease me until an unsuspecting Thom walks in.

'Hey Babe.' Jasz coo's out.

'Stay away Bitch.' He spits out. He quickly locates me and places his sexy body in the chair next to mine. I can't help but stare at his beauty.

'Like what you see babe?You can touch it if you want.'He says cockily. The old Thom has returned and has brought his playerish ways with him. I blush a deep red and quickly cover my face.

'Don't hide your face, it's beautiful.' He says pulling my hands away from my blushing face.

At that moment our teacher walks in with a cheery grin on her face.

'Hi guys, I have some great news. I'm engaged.' The room instantly fills with coos and awws. I'm glad that Miss has found love, she is such a lovely woman it is the least she deserves.

'But enough about me, Shakespeare's sonnets aren't going to teach you themselves.'

As Miss does the register, She quickly arrives to Bethy's name.


'Um she got called to the principles office last period Miss.' I say, feeling guilty about lying.

'Lying really doesn't suit you.' Thom whispers into my ear. 'Bethy told me what happened to your locker. I'm going to find out who did it.'

'Why, I already know who did it and I don't care.'

'Who did it Eoife. They deserve to be punished.'

'I'm not telling you.'

'Jasz the horrid bitch, you seem to forget that our thoughts are linked I know it's her.' Thom said smugly. 'That thing is getting on my last nerve.'

'It's fine I swear.'

'Miss O'Connor, Mr Holloway, Is my lesson boring you?'

'No Miss.' I splutter out.

'Would you like to share with the class your conversation that is so important that it can't wait to break?'

'Well Eoife here had her locker vandalized, It would seem that Jasz performed this huge sign of disrespect. But Eoife thinks that she shouldn't be punished. What do you think Miss?' Thom asks in a serious tone.

'I think that Eoife shouldn't stand for such horrible bullying.'

'Thank you Miss.'

'Just concentrate please you two.'

After that the lesson slowly dragged on, was Thom right?Should she be punished for her actions?

Walking out of English I ran to my locker leaving Thom trailing behind. When I arrived I saw that my locker had been cleaned and was no longer covered. Stood next to it stood a proud looking Bethy. I ran up to her and hugged her. It was moments like this that reminded me why I was friends with her. This girl was the best thing in my life other than Thom.

'Thank you.'

'No problem.'


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