Chapter 10: The next day

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Eoife's P.O.V:

The sun slowly seeped into Thom's room, shooting straight into my eyes waking me up from my stupor. I rolled over and accidently whacked a sleeping Thom square in the nose, waking him with a


'What the fuck was that for?'

'I'm so sorry baby, I forgot you was there, I didn't mean to'

'It's ok just dont do it again'

I pulled up the covers, readying myself to get up for school when I winced in pain, pain that was down below. That was when I remembered last night, the best night of my life.

' Are you ok Baby?' Thom asked in a worrying manner.

' Just a bit tender from last night'

'Shall we stay home today for you to um...well recover' Thom muttered awkwardly

'No I have an important test today'

'Ok babe'

I dragged myself to Thom's wardrobe and pulled out my favourite summer dress, it was white with an elaborate floral pattern on the bottom of the dress, plus it made my boobs look massive! After the whole Tommy situation Thom had moved all my stuff into the house and now entering his wardrobe felt almost .... normal.

After applying some light make-up I was ready to go. Thom however was not, the lazy twat was still in bed. I walked over to the bed and slid in, wrapping my arms around him I placed my face near his ear and....


'What where get everyone out of the building, are you hurt? He said in a worried voice meanwhile I laid on the bed almost wetting myself with laughter. Upon realising that I had royally screwed him over him grabbed me into his arms and began to tickle me. I quickly began to lose my breath, my asthma wasn't usually that bad but today it was taking over. I soon began wheezing as the asthma kicked in. Shit I couldn't breath! This freaked the fuck out of me and I began to hyperventilate. Thom quickly realised this and was freaking out.

' Babe, what's happening?'

'Inhaler. Need. It. Now' I panted out.

'Where is it?'

' In the bag on the side in your bathroom' He sprinted to his bathroom and within seconds through the bag on our bed. I wondered why he hadn't just gotten out my inhaler, upon opening the bag it slapped me in the face when I realised that my pads were in the bag, I soon blushed a tomato red but nevertheless I grabbed my inhaler, after about 15 minutes the attack had fully passed and me and Thom were getting ready to leave.

I ran outside and slid in Thom's shiny new car and off to school we went.

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