21|| Water Wizard.

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And here we have it folks! The great! The grand! Chapter 21!!!

21|| Water Wizard.

Thalia POV

Yeah, we pranked the whole school, that was us, the Unstoppable trio... and Annabeth... you know, we're more like a quartet now but—

Sorry, I'm getting off track.

Anyway, the night after we pranked everyone, things started to get weird.

The defense against the dark arts teacher had been replaced by Professor Quirrel. A nervous, jumpy man who wore a purple turban that always smelled of onions. Rumors were, he kept it full of them to keep vampires away.

The dark presence had grown more obvious, hovering on the edge of my consciousness. It put me, and my cousins and brother on edge.

Percy snapped at Leo the other day when he asked a dumb question per usual, Percy had apologized, but you could tell he was still wound up.

The school itself seemed to sense it too. The sets of armor had brought their weapons up into defensive positions, and the inhabitants of the moving pictures tended to stay in their own frames, instead of wandering as they usually did.

Of course, the students themselves didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Still being just as carefree and reckless as always. Though you can't really blame them, they're eleven through seventeen and haven't had a truly terrifying situation in their life.

Today is the first day of class with our new professor, and my guard is up, ready for any and everything.

I sat down stiffly next to Mione, my partner, who was sitting just as straight backed and tense as I was. Percy and Nico sat in front of us, eyes forward, backs stiff. You would have thought they were attending a military academy.

As always, there was quite a bit of chattering. Draco was the only demigod who was trying to act normal, well, not the only one trying, but the only one succeeding.

Leo was snickering at whatever Calypso was whispering in his ear. Obviously, it wasn't meant to be as funny as he thought it was, because Calypso looked about ready to cover him in motor oil and feed him to Festus.

Percy had been successfully serious till Nico poked his side. You could tell he was trying very hard not to move with his ADHD, but it was getting to him. Finally, Nico reached over and jabbed his fingers into his cousin's ribs. Percy gave a hysterical giggle, and twisted away from his -now grinning sinisterly- cousin.

Percy froze when Annabeth screeched at him through the Mind link, and I had to resist the urge to cover my ears, which wouldn't actually have any effect.

I kicked forward, where my foot just caught the edge of Nico's chair, shoving him into the next. Percy snickered, but stopped quickly at the glare he received from Annabeth.

Finally, the teacher walked in, stalling all chatter.

The man nervously adjusted his purple turban, then cleared his throat.

"W-welcome to D-defense Against the d-d-dark Arts. I'm am P-p-professor Quirrel, and I will b-be t-teaching you." He stuttered, nearly making me snort.

Jason was watching the teacher with a bored expression, but inside he was shaking with suppressed laughter. He's quite a good actor, something I also inherited from our father.

Quirrel nervously went through the motions of class, his wand arm shaking when he lifted the thin shaft of wood to distribute papers.

After we finally got out of class, we all grouped in an empty hallway.

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