7|| Facing unwanted fears.

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Thalia POV

Annabeth is having a nightmare again. I can hear Percy Comforting her, but this is too much. I hate having to hear them scream. This needs to be fixed. I got up and went out into the hallway, stumbling around in the dark. I got to the door marked 'Will'.  "Will! Will, wake up!" I hissed. "Hey, Thals. Come in." He said. I sat down on the edge of his bed. "I'm worried about the three of them." I whispered. "I am too, I IM'd dad earlier. He's gonna come tomorrow afternoon." He whispered back. "What do you think he'll do?"
"He'll probably show us the nightmares so we can help them."
"They won't be happy about that."
"I know."
There was a silence. "Annabeth finally stopped screaming." I said. Will didn't respond. "Will? Will, are you asleep?" I whispered. I heard a soft snore, and sighed. So much for being worried. I went back to bed. When I laid back down I heard another scream. It was Nico. I heard Percy run by. Stupid nightmares.

Nico POV

These nightmares are getting ridiculous. I wake up at least twice every night. Percy and I are just hoping that no one gets Apollo, based on how many times we wake up screaming, someone is going to call Apollo. Not a good thought. He would make us show everyone our nightmares, although, I know Percy wouldn't let him do that if he had anything to say about it. I'm sitting in our common room doing charms homework, Will is pacing back and forth. Oh gods. 'Percy! Percy!' I yell at him through the mind link. I hear him yelp, and answer grumpily. 'What Nico? Did you really have to scream?' 'Yes! Will is getting his Dad to come!' I whisper through the link. I could almost see the alarmed look on his face. 'He'll make us show it to everyone won't he?' He asks. 'Definitely.' I said. There was a flash, and Apollo appeared. Percy and I ran out of the room immediately.

Annabeth POV

I'm sitting in our common room, helping Percy with his Transfiguration homework, when Apollo flashes in. Percy and Nico both take off running, I gotta say, it took alot to not run with them. Instead, I just flinched. We all know why he is here, But Nico, Percy and I dread it. When the two boys ran off, Will just sighed. "It's going to take forever to catch them." He said. "Not if I do it." Thalia said quietly. She got up and left. A few minutes later, Nico shadow traveled into the room, he had a terrified look on his face. "Wrong room!" He yelped, before trying to shadow travel out. Draco grabbed him before he could do so. A second later, Thalia came in with Percy, who was yelling at her to let go of him. "No! Let me go! Please Thalia! Please don't make me go through this!" He yelled. She grimaced, she hates doing this to them, the three of them are so close. Mione took me firmly by the arm and dragged me over to the other two. Nico was just standing there, looking defeated. Percy was still struggling to get out of his cousin's grasp. When Apollo walked over, the three of us flinched at the same time. Percy had stopped struggling, Nico had looked up. I'm sure the look of fear in their eyes was reflected in my own. "Please Apollo, please don't do this." Percy whispered. "I'm sorry, I truly am." He said, and touched Percy's forehead. Percy fell, he would have hit the floor if I hadn't caught him. I cradled him in my arms while we watched his nightmares play out.
He was in Tartarus again, watching Annabeth get tortured by Arachne. "No! Stop hurting her! Stop! Please stop! Do me instead!" He screamed, but Arachne wasn't listening. He had to sit there, and watch the girl he loved be beaten, hear her pained screams. He was crying, hard. "Annabeth! No! Please!" He begged. No one would listen, all he could do was sob as he was held back by monsters. "Please." He whispered.
Percy jerked awake, crying freely. He hugged me so hard. "That time is over." I whisper to him. "Over and gone." He kept crying, and Thalia came over to sit next to us. Next, Apollo went over to Nico, who grimaced and looked down. "I'm sorry Nico." He whispered as he put his hand on Nico's head. After he passed out, Percy held his cousin's head in his lap and stroked his hair comfortingly, as we watched the scene unfold.
Nico was on a battlefield. The ground was littered with dead bodies, the part that stood out was that the bodies were all the people who had died in our war. They stood up. Bianca came over to Nico. "It's all your fault Nico, it's your fault I died, you should have come along on that quest." She said. Nico was crying as he watched the bodies of the people he loved come and tell him it was his fault. "No! It-it wasn't my fault! No!" He screamed.
That was when Nico woke up. He was literally sobbing. Percy hugged his cousin, rubbing his hand on his back. "Shhh, It's okay Neeks, it's not your fault." He whispered into Nico's ear. I knew I was next. When Apollo turned to me, I shuddered. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. "We know." I said, and passed out.

Percy POV

Annabeth just passed out. Luckily, I managed to catch her, and hug Nico at the same time.
Annabeth was giving us a battle plan. It was all going well until the plan started failing. Finally, Annabeth was the last one alive. She had failed, her plan had failed, a daughter of Athena had... failed. Her parents appeared, they said "You have never been good enough, you will never measure up. You. Are. Nothing." Annabeth was crying now. "I-I'm-" She stuttered. "Say it!" Her parents screamed. "I'm nothing." She whispered.
Annabeth woke up shaking, silent tears falling down her cheeks. "I love you, remember that. You are everything." I whispered in her ear. She smiled. It might have been rough, but showing our fears to the rest of them almost made it easier to think about. I don't think I'll have a nightmare tonight. What a relief.

Like it? I hope so. I got nuthin. So.... goodnight y'all! Spectre 6 out.

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