18|| Sometimes idiots need a kick in the behind

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Annabeth POV

"Where are Percy and Mione?" I asked when everyone got to dinner. The only answer I got was "In the dormitory."

I ate quickly and ran to go find the Jacksons.

Mione was sleeping peacefully in her bed, but when I walked into mine and Percy's room, there was no peace.

Percy was thrashing around in his sleep, moaning in pain, and saying my name over and over again.

Nico was there, but he had this helpless, scared look on his face that I'd never seen before.

Percy was pale, and shaking like a leaf. "Why is he having a nightmare? We've been fine since Apollo came." I said.

"Jason was messing around with chemicals earlier and accidentally put the wrong thing in water that Percy and Mione had been playing with. It must have just brought back the nightmares." Nico said worriedly.

I sighed.

This is why I hate science.

"Wake up Seaweed brain." I whispered to my boyfriend.

His sea green eyes slowly flickered open.

"I hate Jason." Was the first thing he said.

Nico snorted with laughter, but still had a slightly worried look. "You ok?" He asked, his frown returning.

"The traitor is a Ravenclaw, fourth year. I don't know who it is exactly, but I know the house and year." Percy said.

I was thinking it would be one of the Slytherins, but let's not stereotype.

"I don't know any fourth year Ravenclaws. Heck, I don't know any Gryffindor fourth years." I said.

"We need to talk to Flitwick." Percy said, and jumped out of the bed.

I was going to stop him, saying we don't have a plan, but he dissolved into mist before I could grab him. "Take me?" I asked Nico. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm.

Shadow travel feels different than Mist travel, and I don't like it.

"Don't remind me." Nico mumbled before I could say anything.
"It's not your fault that I'm her type. Is it?" Percy asked teasingly.

"Let it go!" Nico yelped, making Percy smirk. "Oh gods." I whispered.

Percy started singing under his breath, gradually getting louder with every word. "Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door. I don't care what they're-" I cut him off.

"We get it, you like teasing Nico. Now shut up." I said.

Being who he is, he started fake pouting.

This whole time we had been arguing, we were standing in front on Flitwick's door.

I knocked the 'Imma demigod' knock. Leo insisted on calling it that, and after a while it stuck.
You have to do two quick knocks and then tap the door quietly three times. Percy came up with it, so I decided to not question it.

Flitwick opened the door a few seconds later with a smile.
"I was wondering when you were going to actually knock, instead of standing outside arguing." He said.

"Hi, we were wondering if we could have a list of the Ravenclaw fourth years, please." I said politely. He is older than us, whether we outrank him or not.

"Yes, I still have my lists of students from the beginning of the year." He went inside, and we heard him moving things around and shuffling papers.

"Here it is." He said, handing me the paper. "Anything else you need?" He asked kindly. "No, thank you though. Good night sir." I said. He nodded and closed the door.

This whole time, Percy and Nico had been arguing silently. They were standing there and they would mouth things at each other, then one of them would shadow/mist travel a few yards away. Then the other would follow and land on top of the first, making them both fall over. They would scramble to their feet, shadow/mist travel back beside me, then start over again.

"Will you two stop it!?" I hissed. Percy stopped, but it was right before Nico shadow traveled on top of him, and they both ended up on the floor.

I sighed.

Idiot boys.

I need a girl for once.

Thalia it is.

Hey! I know it was short, and I'm sorry. I added a ton of paragraphs. Too much? Good? More? Please comment. Bye! Spectre 6 out.

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