14|| What the heck is a demigod?

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Thalia POV

New demigods are incredibly annoying. They whine things like "My dad died in a car wreck." and "That cannot be true!" and "I don't believe you!" and "Prove it!" and "What the heck is a demigod?" It is the most annoying thing in the world. The only new demigod that is taking it well is Charlotte Doyle. Like Dumbledore said, she was starting to realize what she is. After telling them what they are, and proving that it was real, came the next step. Convincing the gods to claim them. Leo had taken to jumping up and down at random points in the day, and whispering "I wanna sibling! I wanna sibling! I wanna sibling! Come on dad, claim!" Until Calypso threatened to take away his toolbelt. He shut up after that. Then came the hallway insults. You see, the pureblood slytherins like making fun of the half bloods and muggleborns. They would call us 'Half breeds' obviously this didn't go down well with any of us. If they knew who our parents are, they'd be running with pee dripping down their legs. But I gotta say, when Nico punched Blaise Zabini, it was hilarious. Then Percy made all the slytherin toilets explode. When Sev came and told us about the weird toilet explosions we told him. Well, he was a little bit mad, but then when we told him what they had said, he got mad at Blaise and made him clean up the bathrooms. Percy gave him a real hay-day. The rest of the week passed with us training the newly claimed demigods, studying, and keeping a watch out for the 'dark form'. It was getting kinda unnerving, not knowing if some creepy figure would haunt your dreams. That was only a problem for us big three kids. Charlotte has become a fast friend for me. She got claimed on monday as a Daughter of Apollo. When I told her that her dad is super annoying, she just laughed. As wished, Leo got a sibling, two actually. Daniel and Astoria got claimed on wednesday. Both Patils and Terry Boot were claimed as Athena kids. Annabeth was ecstatic. Lavender turned out to be Mr D's kid. Susan wasn't claimed until saturday, she's a Daughter of Hermes. Dragon was pretty happy to have a partner in crime. They all have special doors in their common rooms that lead to ours. When I asked Charlotte how that worked, she just gave me a grin, and the unsatisfactory answer of "Magic." When Percy and Nico found out that it bothered me when people say that, they answered every question I had with "Magic." It lasted for a whole day before Annabeth and Will got them to stop. By the time the day was over, I was about ready to strangle them. Annabeth wouldn't let me. I'll do it someday. Just watch.

Demigods cause a general ruckus (at Hogwarts)Where stories live. Discover now