11|| Broken arms and stupid Hydras.

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Hi! I gave you a picture of Bianca cause I love her, and miss her. This chapter is dedicated to athenasfavwitch go read her books, they're amazing! Bye!!! Enjoy!

Percy POV

This week had been intensely boring, except for the part where Jason fell in the lake. He started freaking out, so Piper used charmspeak and told him to calm down. He calmed so much that he started sinking, and I had to jump in to get him. But that was the only even mildly interesting part. Luckily, tomorrow is Saturday, and we are going to the Forbidden forest to train. I'm so excited! First, we have History of Magic, which isn't that bad because the teacher is so afraid of Nico and Hazel, he hardly even teaches. I get to sleep through the whole class. It's so boring that not even Annabeth bothers to really pay attention, which is saying something. I looked at my watch,ten minutes left. I glance at Nico. 'Hey Neeks, would you mind speeding things up here?' I mind linked him. He turned to me and frowned. 'Please?' He rolls his eyes. 'Fine.' He thinks to me. He turns back to the front. I see him flick his wrist slightly, and Binns turns even paler than normal. If that's even possible. He starts stuttering, and looks all around the room, as if to avoid Nico's gaze. Hazel glanced at him with a hint of a smile, she sensed it. Will looks at Nico suspiciously, as if to say "You better not have just done something." I see an inkpot on Binns desk. Perfect. Glancing at Annabeth to see if she was looking, I made the ink fly out of the pot, and into the air. No one noticed except Nico, who smirked into his hands. I positioned the ink over my victim, and.... Now. I dropped the ink on the head of Harry Potter. The -now wet and sticky- boy jumped up, shrieking like a styphiliain bird. Nico started coughing to hide his laughter, Annabeth raised her eyebrows at me. 'Nice one Perce.' Thalia mind linked to me as she tried to not laugh. When we got out of class a minute later, due to Harry screaming so much, Annabeth raised her eyebrows at me again. At her look, I said "Oh c'mon Wise girl, you have to admit that class was boring. You were doodling all over your notes instead of listening." "Well, at least I wasn't scaring the teacher or dropping ink on innocent kid's heads. Although, his face." She snorted here. "That was priceless." She said, shaking with laughter. I grinned. We talked about the training tomorrow the whole way to dinner. gods, I can't wait.

Luna POV

It's finally Saturday! We are sparring in the Forbidden forest in about two hours. I'm so excited, I haven't practised for about a month. Breakfast is in ten minutes, everyone is up except Percy. He always is the last one awake. We all got ready pretty quickly, now, the greatest challenge of the day. Waking Percy up. When I walk into his and Annabeth's room, I see everyone standing around him, yelling at him to wake up. Percy continued to snore. "I've got an idea." Nico said. He motioned for us to move back, he took out a celestial bronze knife, and threw it at Percy. Percy jumped up, caught the knife, and started yelling at Nico. "Seriously Nico?! You could have killed me!" He yelled. "We both know that wouldn't have happened, your reflexes are amazing! And literally all the people in here would have blocked it if it got too close!" Nico yelled back. Percy scowled and started to get dressed. At least we have training, that will cheer him up.

Thalia POV

"Come on! I need to practise but you are all being incredibly slow!" I yelled. In reality, they were only a few steps behind me. In my head, they were walking like snails. "Hurry up! There are monsters in there, and we can practise on them!" I continued yelling. "Be quiet Thalia, someone in Canada might hear you." Leo said cheerfully. I just glared at him. Let's just say, he stopped smiling and started walking behind his girlfriend. We are finally in the forest. "Let's split up, and go practise on some stupid monsters." Jason said. We split into twos. Percy and Annabeth, Nico and Will, Neville and Luna, Draco and Hermione, Jason and Piper, Leo and Calypso, Frank and Hazel, and finally Ginny and I. We agreed to meet up in the clearing in an hour. There were only a few monsters, just two Empousai, and a Dracona. After the hour, we started heading back. Everyone was back except for Percy and Annabeth. "Should we be worried? Or-" Frank stopped when we heard a weird sound. After listening, I knew what it was. Annabeth came around some trees, she was yelling at a sheepish looking Percy, who was cradling his right arm. "Percy! I told you not to jump on it's back! But nooo, you had to climb on it's back. It's your own fault that happened!" She screamed at him. Percy flinched, and then winced when he moved his arm. "What happened to you?" Piper asked incredulously. Percy winced again, and Annabeth scowled. "We found a Hydra, and Percy, being the seaweed brain he is, decided to jump onto it's back. He cut off one of it's heads, and I lit it on fire. Then the stupid Hydra threw him off. He hit the ground hard, and broke his arm." Annabeth said with a half scowl, half worried look. Percy was looking down shamefacedly, still cradling his right arm. Will came over and tried to look at it, but Percy flinched violently and wouldn't let him see it. "Percy, give Will your arm." Piper said, her voice dripping with charmspeak. Percy glared at her, and let the son of Apollo look at his arm. Will examined the broken arm quickly. "We need to go back up to the dorms, I stupidly didn't bring any ambrosia." He said, and started up to the school. Percy scowled, and reluctantly followed, grumbling about stupid Hydras. At lunch, Percy was kind of pale, and had his almost healed arm in a sling. Will looked satisfied with himself, and kept grinning at sullen Percy. Apparently he had done better with the injury than he thought he would. I'll bet Percy disagrees. "I'm going up to the dormitory." He grumbled, and left the hall. We all watched him leave. "Are you sure you actually helped him?" Jason asked Will. Will rolled his eyes. "No Jason, I threw his arm around a ton, of course I helped him. He has a broken arm, how did you think he's going to feel?" Will asked sarcastically. Jason shrugged. "I dunno, I've never broken an arm before." He said. "Well it doesn't feel great." Nico snapped. They all stared at him. "How do you know?" Hazel asked gently, with a worried frown on her face. "Open a mind link with Percy right now, you will know too." He said. They all did so, and the results made them flinch. Percy was in considerable pain, he was just really good at hiding it. Annabeth stood up and went to go find her boyfriend. "Being Percy is rough, none of you seem to realize that." Nico said coldly, and left. I followed him quickly. Something is wrong, really wrong. I can feel it.

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