2|| Diagon Alley.

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Annabeth POV

I packed for school last night, but I know for a fact that Percy didn't and he's probably going to walk in here asking for help any minute now. "Annabeth?" Percy whined as he stood on the doorstep of cabin 6. Speak of the devil. "Yes, I'll come help you pack, seaweed brain." I said with a laugh. He grinned. "Am I really that predictable?" "No, but I know you better than anyone." I said as we walked to cabin 3. He grinned again and kissed my cheek. "I love you Wise Girl." He said. "I love you too, Seaweed brain." I whispered.


Later, we were all standing at the top of Half Blood hill. "How exactly are we getting there Chiron?" I asked. "Nico is going to Shadow travel Thalia, and Percy will Mist travel you and Will." He said. (mist travel is traveling through the water particles in the air, it can only be done by a child of Poseidon.) "Let's go then." Nico said impatiently. Percy grabbed my hand and Half Blood hill disappeared. A few seconds later, we were standing outside a dirty old pub called hte kealy drnocaul. Wait, that's not right. I squinted at it. "The Leaky Cauldron." I said. "Well, I guess we should go inside." Percy suggested. We went inside the grimy door. We walked up to the bartender. "Excuse me sir?" I asked. The toothless old man looked up. "You want to know how to get into Diagon Alley?" He asked. We nodded. He must be used to this. "This way." He said, leading us to the back. We came to a stop at a brick wall with some trash cans under it. "Two up, Three across. y' see?" He asked, But we weren't looking at him anymore. We were looking at the odd, little uneven street. "Wow." breathed Thalia. Once I had gotten rid of my shock, I turned to the old bartender. "Thank you, Mr-'' My voice trailed off. I hadn't asked his name. "Tom, just Tom. Son of Demeter." This last part was whispered, and it left us open mouthed. "But how did-" Thalia started. "Children of the Big Three aren't that hard to sense. Especially Waterboy over there, he has the sea in his blood. Sunshine isn't that hard to sense either." Tom said. Before I could ask another question he said. "When you are around Mortals all the time, you start to sense other Demigods. Mostly ones that have their power in their blood." Again he glanced at Percy, who was looking indignant. "Good luck, and whenever you IM Chiron, tell him I said Hello." with that, the bricks closed and we had officially entered the wizarding world. "We should go to Gringotts first. To get the money." I said. Thalia and Nico were snickering as we walked. "What is so funny?" Percy asked finally. "Oh nothing.... Waterboy." Thalia laughed, and immediately regretted it. Percy gave her his death glare. It was scarier than Thanatos himself. Almost. Anyway, Thalia stopped laughing, and was silent until Gringotts came into view. I gasped, and started rambling on about the architecture. The only one that even pretended to listen was Percy, who looked as if it pained him. Once we got inside, we walked up to the desk where a Goblin sat. "We are here for the Half Blood vault." Thalia announced. The Goblin inspected us, as if to make sure we actually are DemiGods. Once he was satisfied with the outcome, he came out from behind the desk and told us to follow him. When we got into the cart, Thalia and Percy looked like they were going to be sick, and Nico was grinning like a jack-o-lantern, Will looked like he was enjoying himself too. Percy perked up for a minute when we went by a waterfall, once we passed it his face was green again. Finally we stopped. "You'd better be real Demi Gods or you'll regret trying to rob us. One of you touch the door." The Goblin said. Thalia, Nico, Will,  and I looked hesitant. Percy grinned. "You know that you're Demigods, I don't see why you're so scared." He said with a laugh, and he put his hand on the door. Immediately, the dark corridor smelled of the ocean, and the door melted away. "You go in, it only allows godly blood inside." The Goblin said. I took out a purse and marched right in to collect the money. Percy, Thalia, Will, and Nico however, came in slowly, looking at the celestial bronze swords and daggers hanging on the walls, and the old Greek battle armor.

"I've got the money, let's go." I said, and we all came back into the corridor. The door appeared the moment we were all out. We got back into the cart, and one crazy ride later, filled with green looking Percy and Thalia and grinning Nico and Will, we were back in the sunlight.

"Can we go get wands first?" Percy asked. Let me rephrase that. Percy whined. "I saw the wand shop this way." Will said.

We walked into the creepy store. "Hello?" Thalia called. "Hello!" Came a voice out of nowhere. Percy had Riptide out (thankfully only pen form) faster than I thought possible. Tar- the Pit made our reflexes faster. "Ah yes, the Demigods. I knew you would be coming soon." The mysterious voice said, now identified as Ollivander. "Who's your parent?" Percy asked brightly. He's such a seaweed brain. "Hecate. Now, Wands." He said, and he went into the back room. He came back with four wands. One had a sea green trident on the side, another, an electric blue lightning bolt, a third had a white skull, the fourth had a golden sun, and the last had a grey owl. We each took a wand. "Wave them." Ollivander said. Thalia waved hers first, the air crackled with electricity. Next Nico waved his, the temperature dropped about twenty degrees, and the shadows seemed to grow darker. I went next, the room became warm again, and started to smell like new paper. Will waved his.The room grew bright with sunlight, and if you listened hard, you could hear music. Finally, Percy waved his wand, the room grew even warmer, and it smelled like the sea. We all smiled happily. Percy's wand was the grey color of my eyes, and had designs of waves and mountains in sea green. Mine was also the grey of my eyes, it had thin gold and sea green leaves, and flowers on it. Nico's wand was black, with carved golden swirls. Will's was a brownish gold, with a black handle. Thalia's was bright silver, and it had a simple handle, with very thin, blue lines the color of her eyes.

We thanked Ollivander, and left to go get the rest of our stuff. After we had gotten everything, we went to get ice cream. It was a great day.

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