20|| Bad to the bone

256 7 11


Percy POV

Annabeth Chase is scary when she's angry. Like, full out terrifying.

But it can be put to amazing use when her anger is not directed at me.

Specifically, when it's directed at one of my cousins.

Today it's Jason, but tomorrow it could be at Nico, or Thalia- what am I kidding? It's going to be at me again tomorrow.

But she also is a general rule follower. So you can imagine my surprise when she comes into the room with a furious look on her face, and eyes that want revenge.

At first, I thought she was mad at me, so I had that 'deer in the headlights' look while she explained herself.

Thalia had come in behind her, and the look in her face made it look like Christmas came early.

I learned that we were going to prank Jason, but then they lost me.


I mist traveled to go find Nico the moment I heard the incredible words.

"Nico!" I yelled as I appeared in his room.

He was sitting on his bed talking to Neville who was standing in the doorway.

Nico didn't react, but poor Neville screamed with surprise.

Nico raised his eyebrows at me.

"Solo per le tue orecchie." I said.
(Ten points to the house of the person who can guess it first.)

Somehow, I'm not the best in school yet I'm good at languages.

Thalia and I had learned Italian as the three of us got closer, so we could have private conversations in front of other demigods.

Thalia had a little trouble learning a new language, but she got it in the end.

Nico nodded and turned to Neville.

"I'd love to talk about it with you later, but Percy is annoying and interrupted." He said with a straight face, but the corner of his mouth was twitching with amusement.

I rolled my eyes at that and put my hands on my hips.

Neville laughed and left with a quick goodbye.

"What is it?" Nico asked.

I flopped onto his bed and let my face show my excitement again.

"Annabeth caved, Neeks." I announced.

His mouth dropped open.

"Really?" He asked disbelievingly.

My eyes were practically glowing.

"She said she'll help us with Jason tomorrow." I said.

"Yes! Finally." My cousin grinned.

This is a time skip brought to you by Mrs O'Leary

Nico POV

We've finally pulled Annabeth over to our side! She never agrees to join us. I mean, really? We've tried everything. Come to our side! We have cookies! No dice.

Even if it's only one prank, that still is an accomplishment.

She did the planning, of course, so it was brilliantly made.

Percy found something called an exploding toffee, Thalia was able to get her hands on some magical hair dye, and finally I had enchanted his robes to turn the same color as his emotions.

Annabeth had more, but wouldn't tell us what it was.

I'm hoping she'll prank Harry. He needs an ego let down every once in a while.

Draco turned up while we were still planning, so now he's pranking the whole of the great hall.

The wizards won't know what hit 'em. They are done for.


I'm not a maniac.

You are.

See! Look! I felt bad so I gave you a chapter in a chapter! Now I'm going back to reading how to train your dragon. Peace.


Harry POV

The world has ended.

There are neon pink spiders crawling in Ron's hair and he's screaming his head off.

My hair is striped with blue and yellowish brown stripes, and my breakfast is way too salty. When I tried to drink my pumpkin juice, I found that it was frozen.

I guess I'd better tell you how this happened.

Well, this morning, I woke up and got ready, then came down to the great hall, but not before staring at my handsome face in the mirror for a few minutes.

Alright fine! It was more than a few, but that doesn't matter.

Everyone had filtered into the Great hall and were peacefully eating breakfast, when there was this odd sound.

The chatter silenced and everyone listened for the weird sound. It was like wind rushing, like the owl post.

But the owls had already come.

There were whispers and lots of people were looking at the professors.

Then there was a giant boom and the room was filled with smoke.

Everyone was screaming and I couldn't see a thing.

When the smoke cleared away everyone saw what damage had been done, and started to scream again.

It's those Death eaters! It has to be!

Please help us.

The world has ended.

I've got nothing. Review, tell your friends, gimme suggestions, good night folks. Spectre 6 out.

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