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Holy crap, 136+ reads? tysm guys <3 

TW: Blood, swearing

The piercing scream of the 16 year old boy filled your ears. Time seemed to stop as you watched him fall to the ground. (or rather on the fence, idk your choice). The arrows had hit him somewhere, but you weren't sure where

You could hear screams from around you coming from multiple different people. People pointed at you and Techno, calling you monsters. However, you weren't sure why because you both shouldn't be taken accountable for this, if anyone should've been it would be Schlatt. 

Your legs seemed to be frozen in place as you watched Techno run away into the woods (*cough* coward *cough*) but you couldn't seem to follow. Your feet seemed to be glued to the ground as you watched all the commotion around you. Surprisingly and unfortunately for Tubbo, nobody rushed to his side. That's what brought your senses back to you. You ran onto the stage/platform thing and grabbed his bloody, bloody shirt as you attempted to break the terracotta and everything surrounding him at the same time. Schlatt being the idiot he was attempted to hit you with a sword, but you had your shield up and blocked his blows, however that meant you had to let go of Tubbo and breaking the terracotta around him. Schlatt didn't equip his shield fast enough so you easily butted him off stage.

a/n I have nothing against actual Schlatt because I find him somewhat funny, but remember this is RP Schlatt.

You heave Tubbo out of the 'box' he was enclosed in and slowly dying in. You could now see clearly that the 2 arrows had pierced both of his shoulders, so there was no fatal damage (a/n watching the VOD Techno shot him 2 times in order for Tubbo to have died so ig it makes sense) but he was losing blood, fast. Tommy was rushing behind you with a bunch of potions, but Wilbur was nowhere to be seen. You assumed he was looking for the button, and you were glad that the mysterious dude had broke it.

"Y/n, what the fuck were you thinking?!" Tommy yells at you. 

"You think that I would know Schlatt was that smart? You think I wanted of all people Tubbo to get hurt? NO! he's like a brother to me. Don't you dare blame me for what I chose to do." you say.

"But you and Techno both shot Tubbo! You can't even blame Schlatt for this at this point!" Tommy retorts.

"Are you crazy Tommy? I didn't shoot him, Schlatt had a shield and somehow managed to use it to deflect the shots from hitting him and positioned himself so that the arrows perfectly hit Tubbo." You respond.

"That's not what I saw. I saw you and Techno each shoot one of his shoulders-" Tommy says.

"Well, if you weren't such an idiot you would realize that I'm trying to save Tubbo's life right now! and if I was actually aiming to kill, Tubbo would be fucking dead by now." You scream at him. This whole time, neither of you were helping Tubbo

"Well, we'll get this sorted out later. You have a point, but it's hard to believe. For now, we have to get Tubbo to Pogtopia" he says, splashing a regeneration potion on Tubbo. You carefully lift Tubbo out of the 'box' he was trapped in and position him so it was like he was piggyback riding you. Blood got all over, but at that point you didn't care and started running in the direction of Pogtopia as Tommy followed close behind you, splashing regeneration and instant health on you both to keep Tubbo alive.

a/n since Tubbo lost a cannon life and actually died in the vods I'm making up this now.

You arrive at Pogtopia, breathless and drop Tubbo on the ground gently. By this point, Tubbo was starting to stir in his unconsciousness. Techno was sitting in a nearby perch and when he saw the sight of you and Tommy trying to save Tubbo, he walks over and places down an enderchest (like not on Tubbo though) and gets out a totem of undying.

"Here, give him this. He's going to need it if we're ever going to take out those arrows." he says in his monotone voice. He places it in Tubbo's hands and starts to try to take out the arrows piercing Tubbo's shoulders with as little pain as possible

"Make sure to splash instant health on him after I take the arrow out. Or else there's no way he's going to survive" he says. You look at Techno surprised that he knows all of this. You had told him once or twice, but you didn't actually think he would remember.

Tommy nods obediently and pours a regeneration potion into Tubbo's mouth (ew that sounds weird). Tubbo coughs as the foul-tasting potion enters his mouth. 

"This is going to hurt, so screaming might come" Techno warns as he attempts to take the arrow out slowly. Tubbo lets a shriek of pain escape his lips. Surprisingly, the totem of undying hadn't broken yet, signaling that Tubbo in fact, was stronger than he thought he was. Tommy immediately splashes instant health on Tubbo after Techno takes the arrow out while you hold Tubbo down. However, you guys were running low on instant health and regeneration. You had a few extras in your enderchest, but you couldn't reach it from where you were.

"hey Tommy, where's Wilbur?" you ask.

"Oh, Wilbur? I have no clue. I bet he's pissed though! apparently the button was gone and he couldn't find it" Tommy says. You grimace, but laugh

"I mean, serves him right. L'manburg isn't such a bad place" you respond with a guilty smile on your face. Tommy shrugs like he couldn't care less after all that'd happened that day. Honestly, you couldn't blame him for that. 

you're startled out of your thought trance as you hear the totem break. Techno grimaces as he manages to pull out the arrow as Tommy pours the last regeneration potion into Tubbo's mouth. You back away, still having lots of blood on your armor, but luckily none got on your clothes (sorry guys idk how to word this better) and cringe.

"I'm going to the lake to wash off my armor, I hope Tubbo is ok. Holler if you need any shit" you say, walking away. You let out a breath you didn't know you'd been holding in.

On your way to the lake, you bump into someone you didn't expect.



1104 words

changed my user to OriIsGoingCrazy :) idk if it uploaded/changed lmao

Make sure you take care of yourself, drink all the necessary water you need and remember to eat something! 

hey hey i updated but dont expect this often my uploading schedule is shit

hahahhahah ok bye

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