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After being alone for so long, I decided to walk out to get something to drink and eat, everyone was doing their own thing, yep, I came here at a bad time, I feel the tension rising, reason being I'm seeing Rangiku and Captain Hitsugaya. Ichigo's father, Isshin, spots me, "Hey, pretty lady." I just stood there, then I heard a familiar voice saying, "Psst, hey, lady Akari, this is Virgil speaking, something is going wrong and we need you to sort it out." Ah, that reminds me that I need to get my last update from Remus, I told Isshin, "I'm not staying very long." "You need a ride to the airport?" asked Isshin. I shook my head, "I can fly myself there." "Are you leaving already?" asked Orihime. I said to her, "Duty calls, but it's somewhere far more fun than what is going on. If this is how I am going to be treated because I have my own world, please piss the f*ck off, I do not care what you have to say about my position."

I just left, I know I just told them off because that is how I'm really feeling or thinking every time I visit either Ichigo or the Soul Society, I'm glad that I can rule my kind. I got on a plane and head to where Thomas Sanders lives, Thomas was waiting for me, he spots me, "There is our lovely lady." "Virgil said that something bad is going on," I said to him, "Is that true?" "Yes it is, I tried handling it but you have the bigger voice," said Thomas, "Please help us out!" "Is Remus involved?" I asked. Remus then said, "This situation is scaring me to the point where we have to get you." "Oh wow," I said, "Then this must be bad if Janus and Remus both agreed on this issue." We got into his car and drove to his house, "You still have that room we left reserved." "Thank you," I replied.

Once we got there, in the spirit world, I can see scorched grass, "Roman is using his fire powers without a good reason?" "Which is why we are about to ask you on why you gave him fire powers?" asked Virgil, "He and Logan are having a feud and it is getting to the point where Roman is getting out of control." "Not to mention, Logan is no longer awake due to Roman almost killing him," said Patton, which was enough for me to get out of the car, head inside to see Roman yelling for Logan to get out of his room, I used my Iron Fist to get him back to his senses. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, ROMAN?!" I yelled, "I thought I trusted you with this power!! After what I heard that Logan is not waking because you were using your fire power without thinking? What do you have to say for yourself, Roman?!" All he did was stand there, in complete shock, "I did what? I didn't know I was doing all of this, milady, I swear." It feels like he is telling the truth, then the others came in, I looked at Remus, "Remus, front and center!" He did with no issue, "Yes, my queen." "Give me your last update," I said to him, "This will allow me to give your power back."

"Alright, with the feud going on between Roman and Logan, I actually sided with Logan, minus my jokes," he said, "Roman blindly almost scorched me and Logan without thinking, I think fire was not the best choice for someone like him." "I'm starting to believe that statement, alright," I said, "Virgil, come here." Virgil stood in between the twins, I looked at Roman, "Until we find the solution as to what was going on, I can no longer trust you with the power of fire." I spilt the power of fire in 2, one went in Virgil and the other went into Janus, I did not give it to Remus, I gave him the power of Earth back. I think that is what I gave him. I went to check on Logan who was in my room, I used my Spirit powers and healed away all what damage there was of Logan. He gasped for air, "FALSEHOOD!!" "Whoa easy Logan," I softly said to him, "You just got healed, don't over work yourself right now." "But Thomas needs me," he said, "Wait, what about my feud with Roman?" "Are you using your powers without reason also?" I asked. He shook his head, "I was using my water powers to get him to realize on what he is doing, not only did he scorch me, but he also scorched Virgil, Patton, his brother, Janus, and Thomas."

I was irritated enough so I marched back out and grabbed Roman by his collar, I do not care that he is a Prince, he doesn't fit the qualities of a perfect prince. I threw him on the ground, I got my steel dagger ready, at this point it was just me and Roman, no one was witnessing this. Roman asked, "What are you even doing?!" "I'll show you!" I hissed at him, "I'm gonna make you feel the same way you made the others feel!" So I started to jab the dagger everywhere on his body, minus the face, I was furious on hearing that he scorched almost everyone, what got me to stop was when both Virgil and Thomas pulled me off of him, they saw my hair covering my eyes but they can really see that I was crying with rage, everyone heard me ask Roman, "Do you have no heart to what will happen if you keep this up?! How dare you for using your own power against your own host!?!" Remus was staring at his brother in pure disgust, "You did what?" "Roman, do you not know what will happen if you kill Thomas?" asked Janus. I finished, "If he dies, so do you." Both, Thomas and Virgil, they let me go, I went into my room so I could breath.

I don't know what came over me, I have never felt so enraged before, I decided to distance myself but making sure Logan is alright. This is my responsibility, I caused Thomas and his sides to become an elemental, I guess I need to do some more research on what else Red symbolizes other than Fire. I heard a knock at my door, I heard Logan ask, "May I come in, Akari?" "It's unlocked," I softly told him but enough for him to hear me say. He opened up the door, then closed and locked it so no one else can budge in to our conversation. I saw a certain look on his face, he knows something that might have started the feud. I sat up, "What is it, Logan?" "I think I have a solution as to what started this whole feud," he said, "Though, I could be wrong but I need to hear it from you first before I tell you what I think it was." Oh boy, this is going to make me stay here longer than I should, I do not mind it, I enjoy seeing them, but it can be too much and I have a world to rule.

Life Novel, Part 5Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora