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As I was doing my new layout for Mistral, I made sure I have an entrance for when the Espada friends want to come and just visit Mistral without any restrictions, minus Grimmjow, he needs to know on who is in charge. I made the main entrance to be the walls of Helgen, and I had Mugetsu test out the new exit/entrance to Mistral being the cave, he got back to me, saying, "I made it back to the cottage." "Thank you truly," I replied, "You can comeback now." I sent that while I made sure that everyone was out of the way. Couple minutes go by, Mistral's layout is now Skyrim, it took weeks to finally complete the new layout. I walked out the room finally, Torchwick asked, "Really, did you seriously turn Mistral into Skyrim?" "Yeah, what about it?" I asked back, "I made it more like a world now that it looked like before." "True, alright I take back what I said," he said, then cowers, "Don't hurt me!" "Relax," I tell him, then went on my merry way. I think I earned it this time, it's starting to feel like everything is finally turning around for me ever since I had met Abraham Lincoln, he was my breaking point.

He has earned his keep, I asked Halibel, "Is he done with his training?" She instantly replied, "What training, we haven't started because he told us that he was already aware that he has a hollow within him and it was the cause of him being your mentor, all he asked on what you were like when we met you and to be honest, he has yet to feed into his inner hollow." "Oh wow, can I go get him?" I asked. She responded, "Please because I think he is becoming too much for any of us." "How is Esperanza down there? I haven't heard from her," I said to her. No response, I'm guessing that she has no clue where she is, I wonder on where she is, I haven't seen her since I started my trial. I hope that she is alright. Then I had a message from the person who I was wondering about, "Do not worry about me, I am completely fine, I took over Urahara's shop so I am going to be pretty busy." That's great that she is unharmed from anything.

I went to be alone with my thoughts on to what is going on with everyone and why are they trying to ruin my position over them. How am I going to get across through everyone's mind that I am trying to get this place protecting them from being spotted by overpowered people in the world of Earth, minus Abraham Lincoln, he is the unexception here. Anyways, I went to Hueco Mundo to pick up Abraham, but he was in the middle of something that was hurting Grimmjow's brain and Starrk's brain as well. I'm guessing no one here has ever had a comrade wise like Ol' Honest Abe here. I cleared my throat, he turns, "Oh, milady, have you made your journey to come and get me?" "Yes, I was told that you never started your training," I said to him, he chuckles, "My dearest queen of Mistral, my only fight is with logic." "Oh wow, so you are like her," said Grimmjow, pointing at me. I didn't know that I was THAT wise like him, "I didn't know that, I swear, someone keeps forgetting to tell me on what I am doing." "I understand on what you might feel," said Abraham. I waited for him to be done with his speech when I found out that is what he was doing, I interrupted his speech without even knowing.

After he got done which was 4 hours max, I just got there and he was about to be in his speech for 3 hours, then he kept going. Grimmjow even thanked me, which is VERY unusual for someone like his ass. There is something about Abraham Lincoln that I love the most I do not know what it is about him, but he is starting to grow on me, I led him to Mistral and he saw on how beautiful it is. He looks at me, "I assume that this is from an electronic device that was invented after my time." "It's called Skyrim, I might show you what is like if you would allow me to," I said, starting to sound like him. He nods, "I might have to think about that, I'll send you a letter or telegram if I want to see on what your little game is about." "Alright," I tell him, "I will have to create a mail room in my castle because all I get are all on this device that I used to find you and check on what I have in my emails. But, I guess you want to stick to what you had growing up." "Yes, I would very much like that such style, thank you, Queen Akari," he says, then freaking bows to me! That is VERY, over the world new type of thing that I am uncomfortable doing growing up.

After I led him to where he might rule underneath me, I created the 9 holds after elements, he is going to be ruling the Beast Hold. I have yet to come up with names for the holds yet. But the one place I have not changed is the big ass mountain where you have to do the 7,000 steps or 1,000, someone might correct me on that, thanks if you do that. So, after I did all that with making sure he had what he needed, I went back to my castle to recharge from dealing with everything I did today. I swear if all of the hardwork I have been doing was taken away from me, I am not going to be not very happy with everyone who is involved.

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now