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As I was just doing a simple side quest in Skyrim, I felt this hint of relief lifting, its like a very great feeling, Vivi, what ever you are doing, I can not believe you are doing whatever you are doing is working. But, the moment that bad vibe was gone, I felt a certain presence that heavily needs my assistance before anyone can get to this person. I got out my Elemental Tablet, there was a dot where the Lincoln Memorial is located. I told everyone, "I might be gone for a while." "Duty calls?" asked Janus. I responded, "Duty calls." As I got out of Thomas' house, I made my way to Washington DC.

As I got there, I saw every tourist were avoiding something or someone who was standing dead and center, I, being a trained Soul Reaper, I can see on who is there. I started to make my way to the center, I heard a snobbish tone of voice say, "Ugh, excuse you, but leave that area." I didn't listen, I just kept going at this rate, I stood right beside this person and looked up at the gigantic statue that stood before us. I heard a voice from this person asking, "Can you see me?" "Yes I can, that is why I walked up here because I can see both the living and the dead," I tell him, "Plus, I sensed that someone was here." "I see, would you care on telling me your name, young one?" he asked, with such honesty in his voice. I curtsied while saying, "I am who they called Akari Itsuki, but everyone calls me either Lady Akari or just plain Akari." "Well met, Lady Akari," he said, "Hm, seems as though there are 2 people who have names that starts with the letter A." "Hm? What do you mean?" I asked, "Could you be more specific?" He looks at me, wait, it clicks for me, "Wait, President Lincoln?" He nods, "Indeed."

We decided to walk alongside each other, he tells me that he has yet to cross over because he fears that his duties are not finished, I can not believe that of all the presidents that passed away, he hasn't crossed over. I stepped up to the plate, "I can help you but, you will be alive again if I decide to help you." "What do you have in mind?" he asked. I quizzed him, "What is your weapon of choice? What element do you wish that you had in life of your lifetime?" "An wood axe, as for element power, hm, I always wanted to seal things away," he said. I asked again," Really, like what?" "Like, I want to seal all the pain and suffering that you have dealt with in the past, I think it is the right time, to break free of these chains," he says. I was standing there in complete awe, that he can see that without me trying to call out for help to anyone. Then he says this, "Do not let anyone tell you different on what you should look like or order you around in your own world, you rule them, if they can't face the facts, then they get their powers taken away until you give the message across, you should not ever be taken for granted."

It was immediately for him, he had no false words on what he was saying, then he says, "By the way, I am so very sorry for leaving that chamber of yours." "I thought one of the souls from the blue chamber leave without anyone knowing," I tell him, "But I guess that it's because you knew that you would be in great hands." "Plus, I knew someone in this world was in a bit of a pickle so I tried on finding that person but I guess it is you," President Lincoln said, "By the way, please call me Mr. Lincoln, or Abraham, I am not a President anymore." "That's right," I said to him. I was getting another reading just by standing beside him, I'm getting Arrancar vibes from him. I tried not to worry about his condition and might cause an uproar, I do not want to lose his trust with me. I hope I can come up with a solution for without anyone butting in to what I am doing and that is making sure that everyone is safe with me.

I had tried many times on making my progress in the littlest ways and it still gets taken for granted no matter what I am doing. It sickens me every time that the rewards went to someone else, like Renji or Ichigo, I hate it every time that the reward goes to someone else even though I did all the hard work. Now since I have my own world, people are starting to realize that I am no longer following anyone's shadow but my own path of life. They are trying to over power me by trying to take away on what is mine that I worked so hard to get. That is not going to fly, I am done with trying to please everyone, but you know on who is responsible for all of this, the group that made me feel like everyone is out to get me. Abraham Lincoln can sense that I have been secretly hiding my true self, he immediately stopped, turned towards me, "You can not live like this forever, you must take vengeance for the ones who have done wrong to you. Make them pay for what they have done, it is time to bury all that suffering that you have been through and start to heal away from that past that you haven't gotten the courage to tell anyone but yourself."

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now