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Ulquiorra went to Neo and Torchwick for help as to what they witnessed, they didn't say anything because they didn't see, Neo goes, "I'm sorry, My King, we wish that we knew on what was going to happen and prevent it." "But it will only makes matters worse," said Torchwick, "But if she leaves without saying anything, we need to make sure that we have everything under control during her absence." "But, would it anger her?" asked Ulquiorra, he knows on not to ponder into Akari's daily duties, but this is his world as well. Now that he thinks about it, he only has the power of Chaos, he does not have the power capability like she does. Now he wonders if it is the right moment to bother her, she is in the most extreme fragile point in her, one wrong move and it's not looking good for anyone. Torchwick sees this thought process, "I think it would be best to never bother her, it's for the safety for everyone here and out there in the world and outside world of Mistral." "Good point, but I can't just stand here and do nothing, this is my world too," said Ulquiorra, "Tell me what is the first thing on her list?" "She never made a list on what she does, she choses on what to do and goes from there," said Neo, "She changes on what she does every single day." "But, where does she usually go?" he asked again, "I want to help out my queen as much as you guys do." "For instance, you do not have access to her Spirit Chamber that is one of many things that is a must in her daily routine," said Torchwick, "I should know, she goes there before leaving the castle." "Yeah, but who is going to be doing that if she choses to leave?" asked Ulquiorra, "It couldn't be you guys or myself." Then Neo said, "Wait, yes you can, you are a part of her family." "She said that?" asked Roman Torchwick, "I don't remember her saying that." "She waited for you to leave to tell me because I do not give it out to anyone who might hack into her castle's system," said Neo.

It was enough for Ulquiorra to know that Akari wants him to be doing his part, letting the world know that she is not working alone, she wants Ulquiorra to give out his name and hope that Ichigo does not try to kill him like in the final battle between them, she wasn't very happy. Right now, he's leading the way if she decides to come back because everyone felt her prescence leaving the world of Mistral to be with everyone in the Soul Society and Karakura Town, Blizzard says to the main 11, "Well, there she goes, I wonder if she can ever come back and realize that it was never her fault in the beginning, she had no idea that a fake posed as you, Jewel." "Don't call me Jewel anymore," she said, "I'm going back to Trinity Kuchiki, that imposter got what they deserved." That was music to Talon's ears and Jaguar's, Hurricane asked, "When are you going to be going back to being called Jasper, Jaguar?" "I have thought about it for a very long time since Vivi said my real name, it's been so long that someone called me by my true name," said Jagaur, "But, I think it's fitting if I started to hear Jasper Jaguar, because every one of you forgotten about the Jackson name." "Well, that was the reason, it needed a ring to it," said Levy, "I was called by Levy so many times, I had completely forgotten what my true name was." "Is that right, Shimo?" asked Raven.

Neo's POV:

It has been 4 months, Akari has left the World of Mistral, Ulquiorra has an idea of what to do while she is away, hopefully me and Roman can help him in any way we can but at the same time we are thinking about going back in time and try to fix what Akari had been through, we need our strong, cunning leader. I was making my way to where she put Abraham Lincoln, Roman followed behind me, "Are we thinking on the same page?" "Depends, do you want to fix her lifetime?" I asked. He looked at me, "Looks like we were thinking different because I was thinking that we shouldn't do that." "How else are we going to witness on what she was like?" I snapped, "It's all that imposter's fault, now she trusts no one but herself, that is not going to fly with me at all." "Alright, you have an excellent point," he said. I scoffed, "I spend time in her library, I have been expanding my intellect and wherever my power reaches, I want to set her soul free, Roman, we can not afford to lose her forever, it's now or never, if we lose her, we all go with her." "Oh snap, I didn't think her power is going to reach that point, alright, I'm going with you," he said. I begin walking without him, I know that he is suppose to be the smartest guy, but ever since she had left for 4 months, I can already tell that her spell that effected him was wearing off soon.

With me, on the other hand, it's permanent with me, I went to Abe Lincoln, he sees me, "Ah, Miss Neo, I was expecting you to arrive." "Do you know where her Centaur forms are?" I asked, "They might be my only chance to find out the truth of it all, there has to be a way to set her free from all this pain and suffering." "Why do you think I invited them before you arrived, as we speak, they may be already on their way," said Abe Lincoln, alright, the way he talks, she has chosen the right person to look after everyone, he continues, "Oh, if you happen to see King Ulquiorra, let him know that I'm covering her heavy duty jobs and he can start off with the light duty jobs." "I'll let him know as soon as I return," I said to him, "Because the reason why I want to set her free-" "You want to erase as to what went wrong, I know, you just have to wait for the Centaurs and the 2 spiders to come forth here," said Lincoln.

I hear Vivi, "Fix everything, including the group that she met, make sure that they didn't exist to begin with." "I heard that she had her memory obscured, should I fix that too?" I asked. Valentina, the flying centuar, said, "Of course!" "We must get her back, this world can not live without its queen," said Suzuki. I went back to the main castle, I seen Ulquiorra, he is a mess without her, this is a job for the Silence Elemental I guess, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I looked, there were 4 unfamiliar faces before me, the Silver Moon said, "You are not going alone, we are going with you." "Can I know your names?" I asked. The only male said, "I go by Colossal Cobra, these three are Silver Serpent, Harvest Moon, and Autumn Sun." "Let's get her back to us," said Harvest Moon.

Life Novel, Part 5Where stories live. Discover now