FOUR. | New Year, New Drama

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The first thing the quartet saw as they entered the great hall was Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story. As they passed, Malfoy did a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter.

"Ignore him," said Hermione, to Harry who had his right hand clenched in a tight fist. "Just ignore him, it's not worth it...

"Hey, Potter!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson. "Potter! The Dementors are coming, Potter! Woooooooooo!"

"Hey Pugface, shouldn't you be annoying Malfoy with that high pitch shriek you call your voice?"Celeste said over her shoulder. She could hear her gasp at the comment.

 They all dropped into a seat at the Gryffindor table, next to the rest of the Weasleys.

"New third-year course schedules," said George, passing then, over. "What's up with you, Harry?"

"Malfoy," said Ron, sitting down on George's other side and glaring over at the Slytherin table.

George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again.

"That little git," he said calmly. "He wasn't so cocky last night when the Dementors were down at our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?"

"Nearly wet himself," said Fred, with a contemptuous glance at Malfoy.

"I wasn't too happy myself," said George. "They're horrible things, those Dementors..."

"Sort of freeze your insides, don't they?" said Fred.

"You didn't pass out, though, did you?" said Harry in a low voice.

"Forget it, Harry," said George bracingly. "Dad had to go out to Azkaban one time, remember, Fred? And he said it was the worst place he'd ever been, he came back all weak and shaking...They suck the happiness out of a place, Dementors. Most of the prisoners go mad in there."

Celeste shivered at the twin's words. A good portion of the Black family was locked up in Azkaban. They were already known as insane lunatics before the war. How badly would Azkaban have affected them?

"Anyway, we'll see how happy Malfoy looks after our first Quidditch match," said Fred. "Gryffindor versus Slytherin, the first game of the season, remember?"

Celeste could see Harry perk up at the comment. she could also feel her mood lift a bit. Quidditch was the one time she could take out her aggression without the risk of detention.

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