Chapter 13 The Hat and the Houses

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I looked out the window and saw a beautiful but huge castle outside on a hill. This must be Hogwarts, well at least you can't get lost finding it I mean it's huge. You can tell it's been created with some sort of magic.

"That's only one side of the castle you can see there. The castle contains 142 staircases so what you're seeing probably isn't even half of them" Eleanor's voice sudden came from beside me.

I had definitely made some amazing friends on the journey here they were all really nice and supportive of what I was going through since none of my family that's alive knows what I really am or that I'm gone. Or at least I don't think so, I have been gone for 2 days now so maybe they have figured out that I'm missing.

I then saw the station start to come into view from the side of the train carriage. I turned and saw the others start collecting their bags from the overhead lockers. I stood up and followed along before sitting back down with my hand luggage on my lap.

"What houses do you guys hope to get into?" Layla asked and I was totally confused.

"Hufflepuff" Eleanor replied and everyone but me nodded.

"Theo had talked about that and we to do want to get into Hufflepuff. It would be better than being put into Ravenclaw or Slytherin" Felix said and Theo nodded and the train started to come to a halt at the station.

The rest of the group rushed out the unit doors but I stayed behind for a minute sorting through the things that were crossing through my mind. I then heard footsteps coming back towards me. I looked up and saw Theo at the doors.

"Hey, are you coming or what?" He asked and I decided to tell him what I was thinking since I knew I could trust him.

"I just don't know if this will all work out" I said and he sighed before coming and sitting next to me.

Oh Thor there go those damn butterflies again. I looked him in the eye and started to get lost in them. They we just so perfect.

No! Sapph stop. You've never had an interest in boys so why should you start now?

I cleared my throat to cover up my staring and looked out the window for a moment just to make sure he wasn't onto me.

"What i'm trying to say is that maybe my gan Ruby was made or this whole witch thing but maybe i'm not" I continued trying to change the subject best I could and Theo eyes widened at my little speech.

"That's insane ruby wouldn't have picked you if she didn't think you could do it" he explained and some of the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together.

"Wait Ruby chose me for this?" I asked just to clarify while feeling weird for using her full name

"I thought you would've known that I mean do you really think it was just chance?" he asked and I nodded.

"She chose you over Summer because she knew what you were capable of both emotionally and physically. She also knew you would be stronger than you sister." He continued and I nodded trying to take all of this in.

"So she knew that my mother was going to have twins and he picked me?" I asked dumbfounded about how she could tell the future.

"Ruby was a witch who could tell the future and everyone depended on her for keep them safe" Theo explained and I nodded in understanding.

I then looked at the door as footsteps were heard coming from down the train. Eleanor and Layla then appeared at the sliding door.

"Hey are you two coming? Everyone's waiting" Eleanor said but then her eyes widened after she saw me and Theo.

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