11. Recovered

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*One month later*

"So you are inside me right now, your blood is going through my veins at this very moment!"

"I expected a thank you but I will go." I said before walking out the door.

Tonio had finally recovered from his blood loss though he still had his stitches in on his rib and was now ready to be released. I decided to walk home but he on the other hand is going to sit there until Ginger gets him o-

"You, get in now... were going shopping." I heard the car pull up next to me.

"Fuuuuuck...."right when I thought I've gotten away from them both for the day.

Tonio who sat in the back seat with my....wait..

"Is that my.. my fitness sweater and my sweats I have to wear those tomorrow I just washed them!" I got in the car pissed and put on my seat belt.

"Oh get your jockstrap out of you ass crack, he'll buy you some more since its such a big deal." Ginger said pulling off the curb.

"Wait how?" I asked curious

"Didn't agree to that..." I heard him say bluntly.

"Well, his mom signed his emancipation papers in jail and then judge approved them, no trial needed now that Tonio here is his own man he can take care of Juan and get his own apartment or house, its up to him. But first we have to set up his account with the bank. Am I a good lawyer or what?"

"So you did all that while I was out?" Tonio mumbled.

She nodded then parked in a banks parking lot, Ginger suggested that I wait in the car while they went in. When they left I turned the radio on seeking through the stations to find something other than folk music to listen to. Her radio was crap but it worked for now since I found a station that was playing Sam smith. I sat there listening to the song until I started to feel bad about myself. I quickly turned off the radio then cracked my window to let some air in. It was going to be a very long day.


When we arrived at the mall we went into a footlocker. For some reason Tonio was acting weird constantly staring at me. Going over towards the section where they had sweatpants and sweaters I grabbed a pair of black ones in my size and sat them on Toni's head.

"What size shoe does Juan wear?" I said remembering that I was going to get him some shoes with the money I was saving for football camp. Most of the guys didn't want me on the team anyway so what's the point in going.

"He's still wearing a size 3, why?" He said trying on a pair of shoes. Instead of answering I walked away in silence with my hands in my pockets.

I stood scanning the many pairs of converse. I was soon tapped on the shoulder but didn't respond until the person cleared his throat.

"Can I help you, sir?" I looked up to find the eyes of an angel, they were as blue as Sapphire gems, hair almost as red as the shoes I held in my hand and skin the color of almond milk.

"Your ....gorgeous..." I said without thinking causing him to blush, "I mean... umm... sure" I smiled nervously.

"Thanks." He said looking down at his hands. He was short and shy looking with a ear full of piercings.

"...Do you have this shoe in a size 3 in blue  and also for boys?" I said tugging at my shirt a little.

"I'll go check, follow me to the register."

"Having fun flirting?" I heard Tonio say from behind.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes right now Tonio..."

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