22. New Year

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"That was amazin' " he sounded as if he was in trance not even caring about the fact that he was bleeding. I felt as if it was my fault for being a little rough, overall it felt good to be relieved.

I poured the peroxide on his knuckles with the towel underneath his hands then wiped around the wide gashes, I smeared antibiotic ointment on them placing down two gauze pads then I wrapped his hand repeating these steps with the other hand. He stared at the ceiling in a daze as he rubbed circles on his chest when I was done. I think he's lost it.

"Are you Okay?" I asked unlocking the door after I'd put back the stuff I used for his hands turning the light off then climbing back into bed.

"I'm fine just... Wow..." He gasped.

"Your over exaggerating, can't say it was expected but people react differently." I said snuggling up behind him pulling him close burying my face in his hot neck.

"I think my necks going to be red for weeks... All because of you!" he giggled as I kissed his neck softly.

"I did it to keep the girls away." closing my eyes I could feel his heart pounding through his skin. Had he fallen asleep? His breathing slow and calm, he held my hand close to his chest. His soft snore nearly unnoticed. That was quick.

Once again the sound of a door bell woke me up, I listened as footsteps approached the door above. I could here gingers voice mumble through the floorboards then a yell broke through with great precision. She yelled my name as if the house was on fire, I stared up at the ceiling as the stairs croaked a second later. The door swung open.

"Maybe we should let them sleep."

"It's feakin' two in the afternoon!"

"Plus it's Tonio's birthday..."

"Who's this guy again?"

"Where's the light?..."

"Found it!"

"What do you want?" I groaned. I looked down at Zach who was still asleep on my chest. The blanket was half way down and all you could see was his crack and bare back, after pulling the blanket up to his waist I looked up to see Theo, Blake and the short guy from yesterday.

"Get up birthday boy!" Theo stuck out his tongue.

"So no ones going to point out the fact that Zachary is lying there naked or am I just seein' thangs?" the short one asked.

"Speaking of that has anyone noticed how quiet Blake is, how about we talk about that!" Zach mumbled pointing up in a direction that was nowhere near accurate.

"I don't know what you're talkin' about..." Blake looked down taking his cap off of his head.

"You..." I pointed moving my arm from under Zach letting his head fall in to the pillow I slept on. I moved to the edge of the bed then stood, the short guy pointed at himself." hand me that shirt by your foot if you don't mind." he picked up the shirt staring up at me with wide eyes.

"Its wet.." he tossed it over and I caught it before I started to stretch then fixed my underwear." Are those all scars?" he whispered as I walked past. I threw the shirt in the dryer with a few fabric sheets then they had my full attention.

"So where are we going?" I asked seating myself on top of the dryer.

"Birthday present from my father well that's what he calls it, he wants me to take you out to breakfast..." Theo cringed a little." I think he thinks we're a thing but he gave me enough money to feed five people so why not make it a friend thing even though I don't know Blake that much nor that guy." the short guy folded his arms annoyed looking at Blake who just sat on the bed playing with his thumbs.

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