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I woke with a familer weight on my chest and the sound of cartoons whispering in my ear I didn't open my eyes because I already knew who it was. Every since Juan was able to walk and talk he would always end up in my bed and lay on my chest or he'd lay on me while watching cartoons, most of the time its because of nightmares.

"Hey little guy!" I yawned letting the sun hit my eyes finally.

"I'm hungry." He climbed off my chest and sat on the bed looking at me like a sleepy puppy with messy hair I fixed his hair and removed the rubber band from mines.I lifted the cover to see if I had underwear on and got up when I saw that I did.

"Let's go get something to eat..." I picked him up holding him up with one arm as he held on to my neck.

I walked down the hall with him in my arms through the living room and into the kitchen. I opened the fridge with my free hand .

"See anything?" I asked as he scanned the refrigerator.

"Ummmm...Bacon!" He pointed at the bacon then some other stuff, I couldn't keep up.

"Use your words please..." I looked at him with a weird face and he returned favor and laughed.

"Egg, Hash Brownies, and Bacon! I want orange juice too." I sat him down on the floor and took out the Eggs, Bacon, and hash browns along with the orange juice.

"Go in the living room and watch TV I'll bring you your orange juice in a minute just promise you won't waste it." He nodded his head before going into the livingroom.

I searched the cabinets for a small plastic cup and was happy to find multiple in the cabinet above the microwave along with glass cups. I grabbed two cups one for Juan and another for myself, I was about to pour us both a cup until I heard the door bell ring I walked over to the door and looked out the window. It was Zach I unlocked the door and let him in.

"Woah!" I froze forgetting that I was half naked and ran to my room, I quickly put on a regular white shirt I found in the closet and a pair of sweats and went back into the kitchen," Sorry I didn't... Ummm"

"How can I help you?" I said getting to the point while pouring Juan's juice. I sat the cup on the coffee table and then searched for a pan or two that I could use.

"I'm sorry but I didn't see all of those before..."

"I kind of don't want to talk about my body that at the moment Zach." I wasn't trying to be hostile but it sounded as if I was getting there.

"I... We were wondering if you wanted to go for a run before practice, Theo's sister is bringing kia if you... Want to bring Juan with." I sat the pans I'd found on top of the stove with a grin. I felt as if I had gone through hell to find them.

"Toni, can I get more juice?" A voice of innocence came from below I looked down to see my little brother whose height ended at a small percentage of my knee.

"No and sure." I watched as Zach headed for the door slowly then I decided to be specific," I wasn't talking to you, you sad little puppy." Juan went back into the livingroom pouting, if I gave him another cup he would've peed himself.

"Puppy... Did ya' really have to call me a sad puppy?

"How do you like your eggs?" I smirked band washed my hands before opening the bacon. It was a change of conversation for multiple reasons.

"Scrambled... I don't think your brother likes me." I heard him sit down at the table as I placed the bacon in the skillet after lighting the flame on the stove.

"He doesn't really know you so he's not really going to talk around you much he did the same thing with Carlos... Oh shit!" This is going to be a problem.

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