23. Gone

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*The next year*

"Ah I never thought I'd get to see my son go to prom... Come here take a picture." He pulled me close draping his arm over my shoulders after setting the timer on the camera. I smiled holding up bunny ears behind his head I loved the moments we had like this it made my everyday life seem complete. Things have been better because my family is complete.

"Dad, where's Ginger I'm Going to be late if she does not arrive on time." the nine year old walked into the room in his white robes wearing his black belt still short as ever coming up to my hip now talking as if he was older than me.

"Ah come on, she'll be here,  one more with all three of us!" he said excited going over towards the camera setting it again. The picture was taken with wide smiles right before the door opened with Ginger rushing through in her work clothes. She gave us all a kiss on the forehead then rushed back out with juan.

"She's been working hard lately..." I sighed starting to pace a bit nervous about tonight.

"Well you'll be in college soon so just in case you don't get the scholarship we both will have the money for you." I turned around and looked at him in my blue blazer with a black collar biting my thumbnail.

"I already got the scholarship..." I said with a grin.

"Wait what? When did you find out?" he said excited." When were you going to tell us?" I looked away worried and sad as a frown formed.

"I wasn't..."

"What do you mean Antoni this is great you are a freaking genius! You deserve this chance in life..." his hands found my shoulders." I am proud of you. I just hope you don't throw it away because I know you want to go. So what's the problem?"

"Zach I'm afraid he might freak out, you know? He hasn't got a word back from anyone and he's as smart as me well not entirely.... Ugh I don't know how to word it without making him sound dumb."I don't want him to be alone while I'm in the
City and he's stuck here in the suburbs. Coach got me in on being junior coach for the raving rabbits at DCU it's hard to turn this down and I don't want too. I'm also scared he..." I sighed again biting my nail.

"He might replace you even though he said he wouldn't?" I paced as a tear slipped from my eye. Pulling me into a hug he rubbing my back." If he really loves you he'd wait for you and if he can't then he doesn't deserve you." my dad became my best friend within a month after I met him. He's made me a better person and Juan has even changed himself. Having him around was the best thing for us after all. The doorbell rang and he pulled away and wiped my tears away. " I think it's time for more pictures. What do you think?" I nodded then made sure my gelled hair was still in place then I fixed my blazer.

My dad opened the door and Zach took my breath away he'd cut his hair but it fit him as he stood in a matching blazer. He was a little taller than me now with broader shoulders. Before coming towards me he gave my dad a firm handshake then aproached me with a white rose placing it in my breast pocket. I felt as if everything moved in slomotion as the camera flashed and Zach escorted me out the door. Outside next to a white limo. Where Blake stood with Theo both wearing cream and a light gray in just a vest while Theo had the complete attire. Before we left dad asked for one more picture the four of us gathered arms around each other. Why do I feel as if I'll never see them again?


*A month after graduation*

"By now you should know the stretches so start there then get back into standing position." today was my last day at the Rec center I learned all I could from Zach. I sat on the mats stretching my legs and I just happen to look up and his new co-worker was slobing all over him. Zach just stood there blushing trying to shy away as he pointed at me. Fucking girls always trying to steal my boyfriend. I stood then walked over to them as if everything was fine when it wasn't. I pulled him to the side away from her.

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