Part 11

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I'm amazed this is the era I'm writing about. Shout out to the bastard for giving me this tiny shred of heterosexuality. Those teeth will be the end of me.

16 December 1980

Tuesday 5:03pm


Ever since that offhand comment, you couldn't get the idea out of your head. Furthermore, you noticed the slight shift in Paul's expression, signifying it might've excited him as well.

You were out one day, and decided to pick up the garment.

It was about 5pm at the moment, and the office had just closed for the day. Paul had work to do, and tended to not ask you to stay too long. You didn't mind much, though. Paul seemed to be happier with company, rather than working late into the night in the empty office. You had been staying back a bit longer on average than you did in your earlier days here. Additionally, when Paul's work was finally done, you were much obliged to "help him unwind" after being wound so tight the whole day through. He gave a lot to his job.

As per the usual closing routine, you sat up from your desk, and locked the door to the lobby, pulling the blind down. You then returned to your workplace, sorting through what you had done that day. You'd typed up a good amount of Paul's notes, and had some things jotted down from the calls you'd taken.

During the end of the day, you'd file everything, maintaining your well organized system. Paul was able to keep on top of his schedule for the most part, but you were the one who made it and kept track of it. If anything slipped his mind (with so much legal nonsense crammed in there) you'd be able to remind him.

After you finished, you came by his office, placing things where they went. Paul was wrapped up in his papers, eyes not shifting from them as he wrote and looked over things.

"Thank'ya" he said, his eyes still downward.

The atmosphere in the room was often pleasant. You remembered your previous offices being uncomfortable usually with its fluorescents and chill. At the end of the day you'd be quite ready to leave. Paul's on the other hand was rather homey, especially the office itself, with older furniture and actual curtains.

You finished putting the files where they needed to go.

"Are you staying tonight?"

Paul's voice was casual, but there was that slight suggestive edge.

"If you'd prefer." You said.

Paul was still focused on his notes, but he had a subtle smile. He gestured for you to come and sit.

"You know..." You said. " I've got a present for you."

Paul looked up at last.

"Oh? You did?"

The thought seemed to excite him.

"Ah, well, suppose if anything it's a gift for myself." You said.

You had the small paper parcel in your coat. You brought it into the office, setting it on Paul's desk. Paul stopped writing for a moment, picking it up in his left hand.

"Keep in mind, only if you're comfortable with it, of course." You said. Your voice became lower. "I had the idea last Friday...It'd suit you quite well."

Paul delicately undid the string, curious to see what was inside. His eyes widened once he caught the first glimpse of the dark red, satin material.

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