Part 27

321 18 9

This is cheaper than therapy :)

Also, think I should give a content warning, just in case. There are references to disordered eating and food restriction. Think I've had a couple mentions before, but this one's more overt.

18 April 1981

1:00pm Saturday


And so, on Saturday afternoon, nearly a week after you'd met last, you found yourself back at Paul's Mayfair flat.

It was so strange coming back here. You'd never expected to return once ending your bout with him. All the previous times you'd come, the sole purpose of the place was for sex. Never any other pretence.

But now, instead of fumbling the door open, pushing Paul onto the sofa or bed in a flurry of drunken lust, you had a chip on your shoulder, and a tension about you, coming up to the door.

Paul welcomed you in. Though he was pleasant, his demeanor was more subdued, not his usual bubbly cheeriness. Made sense, the context was different.

You took a seat in Paul's lounge.

Another thing you noticed, was the way in which Paul kept his distance. Starkly different, say, compared to the previous time. He hadn't known then.

It made sense he wouldn't be cozy with you like it was before, out of courtesy, or unsure where he stood with you. Good of him. Things weren't so simple. This wasn't a sex-fueled affair anymore, wherein discussion was unneeded.

You knew this wouldn't be the most enjoyable of discussions. You'd gotten yourself into this adult situation, and had to be adult about it. You had to act accordingly, even if it wasn't particularly pleasant. You'd expected as much.

Paul's expression was sympathetic, trying to ease your tension.

"Well," He said. "I know I was your boss when we met, but now I'm not."

You nodded. That much was obvious.

"Yes." You said.

Paul nodded in return.

"Right, so... as I've said, I'm willing to take responsibility for this." He said. "You're not on your own, alright? If anything, I wish you would've told me earlier..."

You leant further back into the settee, though not settling too much into the space.

"Alright." You said understandingly. "But you could see why I was afraid? We didn't have a relationship. Not really. We got on well, I like you just fine, still do, but you have to understand I didn't think of it more than that. I know now you saw it differently, but I didn't know at the time."

"Right." Paul said, returning to a lighter tone of voice. "But that's in the past now. Let's think of things moving forward."

You nodded in agreement.


Paul returned the nod. Leant forward in his seat, he spoke plainly with a clear gaze.

"Well. All things considered, we should marry."

Your mind took a second.


Paul's head tilted, speaking with seriousness again, assured in it.

"Well, call me old fashioned if you like, but it's what has to be done! If we're to have a kid, we need to be married first."

"You're old fashioned." You said flatly.

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