Murder Capital Of The World

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Hi I'm Isabelle Emerson. I'm fourteen years old. I'm moving to Santa Carla California, with my mom, older brother Michael and twin brother Sam. Plus are dog Nanook, because my mom and dad just got a divorce. So where moving in with my grandpa. I don't really mined moving here, because my best friend, Cleo lives hear so this should be fun. For me at least, my brother's aren't that excited. It is understandable though, we are moving from somewhere we lived are whole life. 

 Right now where trying to find some music, but where not having much luck. "Keep going". My brothers and I said. "Oh wait this is from my area". My mom said. "Grooving on a Sunday afternoon". She sang. Oh dear lord. "Keep going!" We said. "Gosh you guys are ruff." My mom said. Then we saw a sign that said Welcome to Santa Carla, but on the back it said Murder Capital Of The World. Michael and I just looked at each other. Comforting I thought we're moving to a place where I could be sleeping and someone could kidnap and murder me. Maybe this won't be as fun as I thought. "Uh what's that smell?" Asked Sam. "It's the ocean breeze." Said mom. "It smells like somebody died." He said. "Guys I know it hasn't been easy... the divorce and all, but I think your gonna like living in Santa Carla." Mom said.

 Soon we got into town and it really was beautiful. The beach and the boardwalk, I wonder what this place looks like at night. We got to the gas station and there were two run away's trying to find food in a garbag bin. So mom called Sam and I over and Said. "Sam, Iz tell those kids to get something to eat." She gave use money to give to them and we did. They were both very greatful. One of the kids yelled to are mom. "Thanks lady." When we left Michael took his motorcycle and mom, Sam, and I got in the car along with Nanook.

 When we got to grandpa's house we got out of the car, Sam said come on Nanook. Grandpa's house had stuffed animals from his taxidermy. Very disturbing. Then we saw grandpa lying on the porch and we all rushed over to him. Great I thought we just got hear and he's already dead. Mom kneeled next to him shaking him saying "dad." " Is he dead?" Asked Michael. "No he's just a deep sleeper." Mom said. "You sure mom?" I asked. "Yes." She said. "If he's dead can we move back to phoenix?" Asked Sam. "Yeah." I said. Mom gave Sam and I a really look. Then grandpa sat up while saying. "Playing dead and from what I heard doing a damn good job of it too." " Oh dad." Mom said and hugged him. My brothers and I gave each other wierd looks. 

Living Santa Carla is definitely going to be interesting. Very very interesting indeed, but the best thing you can do when life throws something at you is role with the punch's... I guess.

Isabelle Emerson (Alan Frog story)Where stories live. Discover now