Children's Destructive Creativeness

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Tarmos, still holding his fish on a stick in his paw, he follows Sisu as the blue water dragon wanted to show Tarmos something special and Achara wanted to come and see as well, which Sisu did not mind and let her come with her and Tarmos. Once there were at an opening, Sisu begins to fly and so does Achara, but there is one dragon who stayed on the ground. Tarmos was baffled by the way the two dragons fly and he thought they were using some sort of gadget that are implanted within their limbs. Sisu and Achara noticed Tarmos still on the ground, which made them confused, then, Sisu flies down to Tarmos.
"Hey, Tarmos. Why aren't you flying?" Sisu asked.
"Uh... I don't... fly." Tarmos answered.
"What? You don't fly?!" Achara said with shock in her voice as she flies down next to Tarmos. "But flying is an ability that all dragons possess." 
"Not for me, unfortunately."
"Come it's easy." Sisu said as she moves in front of him.
Sisu then shows Tarmos how to fly as she runs around the jungle opening, until she hops into the air as fascinating splashes of water-like light comes out from her paws.
"Now, follow what I do!" Sisu yelled from above.
Tarmos looks down to the ground, for he was hesitant on doing this, till Achara puts her paw on his shoulder and says. "Don't worry, you can do this."
Thanks to Achara's encouragement, Tarmos copies what Sisu did as he runs around the jungle opening in all fours, which seems a bit challenging as running in all fours isn't what Tarmos normally do, and as soon as he thinks that he's ready to fly, he jumps up in the air and... Hits his muzzle on a tree.
"Tarmos! Are you alright?" Achara said as she and Sisu all went to Tarmos, who is rubbing his muzzle.
"I'm alright, but I wasted a good fish, now it's dirty." Tarmos said as he threw away his fish, which now covered in grass, dirt and it smells bad.
The two female dragons decided not to fly and instead walk with Tarmos to where he needed to go. Shortly after walking around the jungle, the three dragons found themselves in a city, a city of dragons. The structures of this great city are advanced, but not technologically advanced, as this great city reminds Tarmos of an ancient, yet advanced civilization that originated in his home world. Sisu leads Achara and Tarmos through the city and as they traverse, they greet Sisu and Achara with smiles, but for Tarmos, they give him a scared look as Tarmos is quite intimidating in their eyes, while Tarmos ignores everyone he meets and sometimes looking at them suspiciously, thinking that any moment now, he will be publicly assassinated. Soon, Sisu leads Tarmos and Achara to the other side of the great city, where they could see more of the wonderful sight of nature and the landscape, and as they kept on walking in a straight line, they arrived to Sisu's desired destination and it was a majestic garden, where there is a wonderful water fountain in the middle, and where there were rows of long tables as there's going to be a party as dragons in the party are all waiting for something or someone. The three then walks down on the stairs towards the party as Sisu's siblings appeared, who walked up the steps of the stairs, and blocking the trio.
"Ah, Sisu, I see you've brought back Tarmos Rime, and I also see you've brought Miss Achara with you." Pengu said, giving Achara a small nod as Achara did the same thing to Pengu.
Afterwards, a thought came into Tarmos's mind.
"I'd just realized something." Tarmos proceeds to turn and face Sisu. "Sisu, how did you know where to find me?"

A couple of hours ago, Tarmos woke up in Sisu's room and began his escape, while not knowing he woke up the blue, female water dragon, who rested her head on the end of her bed. When she woke up, she kept her mouth shut as she was curious on what Tarmos was doing, till she began to panic when Tarmos begins to climb down the her mountain home. She ran down the stairs and plans to fly over to where her friend is at and save him, unfortunately, she saw him fall down the mountain. Once she was at the jungle, she was relieved to see him alive, and afterwards, she continued watching Tarmos, until Tarmos and Achara met for the very first time.

"So, yeah, and now we're here." Sisu said, done explaining to Tarmos how she knew where to find him.
"And while you guys were away, I'd already prepared Tarmos's welcoming party." Pengu said.
After Tarmos heard what Pengu had said, he moves his head to look at Pengu and spoke in confusion, saying. "My... What?"
As soon as Sisu's siblings move out of the trio's way, the dragons in the garden have all their eyes on Tarmos and all, while some, presented Tarmos their smiles as they all greet Tarmos with their hellos and welcomes.
"Sisu thought of this, you should thank her." Pengu said, while leaning near one of Tarmos's ears.
"I don't know what to say." Tarmos then turns around to face Sisu and proceeds to say. "I thank thee."
"Oh, I thought you needed something to brighten your day." Sisu said.
Then, the trio and Sisu's siblings all went down to the garden to enjoy Tarmos's welcome party together. 
In Tarmos life, he never been in such a large party, nor hasn't have one (well, a little one that has him and his uncle and aunt). This... This made him feel welcomed and appreciated, while feeling tensed as there are a lot of dragons around him as he mentally restrain himself not to attack those around him, while you readers thought Tarmos is already fine with dragons, but no, he's not okay with any other dragons, except for Sisu and Achara... And little bit for Pengu (you'll find the reason why Tarmos is uncomfortable with dragons soon enough). 
Next, it was lunch time as everyone in the welcoming party are at their tables and eat, and as they ate, most of the dragons all went to Tarmos (who was eating fried fish with rice) at the table where he sits with Achara, Sisu and her siblings and ask all kinds of questions, like, 'where do you originally live?' 'Do you love it here in Kumandra?' 'How's the party?'...
"Do you have a mate?" A female magenta dragon asked. 
"Can you be my mate!?" She interrupted, while a large amount of male dragons heard her and they soon become jealous.
"Miss Kannika, I think Tarmos has enough talking with you for now, but first, how about get some more food." Says Pengu, gently pushing the magenta dragon, known as Kannika, away from Tarmos.
"Wow, who's she?" Tarmos asked his friends.
"That's Kannika." Achara replied. "If she sees an attractive dragon, either living within the city or someone new, she will become obsessed with them."
"What the heck." Tarmos spoke underneath his breath, which Sisu heard.
"Oh come on, Tarmos, think of it as a compliment, besides, someone saw you attractive~." Sisu said, teasing her friend
"Bey all sni loslaech."
"What was that?" 
After their conversation, Pengu gets out of his seating spot and walks to Tarmos and tells him that 'there is something I want to show you.' Tarmos follows the green dragon to the very end of the garden, and at the end, there was a smaller version of the garden as a group of young, little dragons, and two adults, all are standing in front of a draped object, while they are all waiting for Tarmos.
"Tarmos." Pengu spoke up, to grab Tarmos's attention. "These wonderful children from a nearby school wanted to give a welcoming gift."
"It's the drape?" Tarmos asked jokingly, with a straight face, as all of the dragons laughed.
"No, silly." Pengu replied, shaking his head slightly with a smile.
Then, the two adult dragons take down the drape as they reveal Tarmos with his sword, in good shape and sharpened, and... And...
"My armor." Tarmos now stare at his armor, which is covered in doodles, the children's signatures, and mixed paint.
"My armor." Tarmos then breathes heavily, which made everyone walk away from him, as he stomps towards his precious possession.
"My armor." Tarmos said once again, while gritting his teeth.
"Oh no, I think this is not going to end well." One of the adult dragons said.
Tarmos looks down at his chestplate armor as he inspects its details and noticed something was missing on the piece of armor.
"We rubbed out that scary snake on your armor, he was super scary." One of the little dragons spoke, ignoring the fact that Tarmos is incredibly angry.
The dark serpentine entity, that was on the chest of Tarmos chestplate had vanished, a symbol that was religiously needed on a warrior's armor and a symbol that Tarmos... HATES!!! And now, it's gone.
Tarmos's furious rage quickly vanished as a small, broken smile appear on his face and he turns around to face the people who gave him this wonderful gift.
"Thank you, I appreciate this." After what Tarmos had said, the grown ups sighed in relief. "But next time, don't take someone's belongings and use them as some sort of kids coloring book, okay?"

Kumandra and The Lost Dragon (A Raya and The Last Dragon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now