Stone Cold

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They ran.
The members of The Sisu Fan Club ran in fear from a crazed-look Tarmos, who is running on two legs, wielding and swinging his sword at them. They did that for a while, until Tarmos stops and watches the fan club run away as he laughs.
"Haha! Oh, what night I'm having." Tarmos said as he proceeds to laugh on the ground.
Then, the fan club's screams were heard, which they were more louder when Tarmos began to chase them, and their running footsteps abruptly stops afterwards. This cause Tarmos to calm down and becomes instantly curious on what happened to them. He walks towards the direction of where they went and he begins to hear rustling in the bushes and whispering as he looks left and right to look for cause of these sounds. All of a sudden, his back hits something hard, and as he turns around, he sees... A statue?
"What the what?"
Tarmos begins to inspect the statue, which is a very detailed statue of a petrified dragon and which made Tarmos impressed by how it's perfectly made. Then, he proceeds moves away, still looking at the piece of art and seem to notice something
"My my, that is interesting, the statue actually resembles one of my running victims." Afterwards, he smiles chuckles softly, till the smile on his face disappears. "Maybe... Maybe..."
A little horrified at the thought of that statue is really is one of the members of The Sisu Fan Club, and, he then presumes that this is just a prank they made to make him terrified. After that, Tarmos turns away from the horrifying form of the petrified member the club, and as he did, he suddenly, and accidentally, connects his muzzle onto a dragon statue's muzzle. He yelped at the sudden sight, soon, his fright soon go away as he saw something behind the statue as more petrified statues of the fan club comes into view.
"Wh-What ever happened here?"
Tarmos begins to notice that his nose seems to pick up a strange scent, while feeling tingly in his nose, and he couldn't help to sniff up in the air.
Tarmos then put his paws over his nose. "What in Gorekaenach is happening to me." After that, his head went up as his nose sniffs at the strange scent once more and his nose forces him to see where this strange scent is coming from. After a few minutes of sniffing the scent and forcefully walking around the jungle, the tingly sensation on his nose stops and his nose isn't controlling him anymore as his nose is now at their final destination, which seems to be an opening.
"Gah! How annoying, my nose dragged me all the way to this meaningless place!" Tarmos said as he walks to the opening.
Tarmos is on top of a hill and when he looks down, he sees the jungle's native wildlife transform into stone in front of his very eyes. The culprits, who transform these harmless creatures, are a group of formless black purple masses, running through anything living and turning them to stone.
Tarmos, who don't want to meet these formless creatures, slowly walk back, but all of a sudden, he steps on a stick as its snapping noise made all of the dark purple masses stop what they were doing as Tarmos gains their attention.
Tarmos greatest response is-. "Raaaagh!" After his battlecry, he uses his arm cannons to terminate the dark purple masses, which is a useless use of action as the plasma bullets went through them as these masses made holes on themselves to dodge the bullets.
New plan. Running for my dear life, Tarmos thought, and so he did with the group of the formless masses are following him from behind. As Tarmos runs away from his new enemies, he runs in random directions, just trying to lose them and it is difficult as his dragon legs are feeling weird and they ache.
"Argh! This nonsense body!" He yelled.
He soon finds himself at the stream, where he had met Achara, and he walks over the stream. Once he's at the other side, he turns around to see the masses follow, but they scream when most of them accidentally touches the water.
"Wait... Their weakness."
An idea comes into his head as he grabs out his sword from its sheathe.
Tarmos begins to walk calmly towards the masses, who are forcing themselves to go through the stream, and he let his sword touch the stream's water, then, he splashes the water onto the masses as they cried in pain. Afterwards, Tarmos keeps on splashing the stream's water at the his enemies and, with every slash of his blade, the splash becomes more bigger over time. The masses move away because of this as their formless bodies are becoming smaller every time water is being splashed on them.
"Now, time to end this little game of ours." Tarmos said as he puts his sword back on its sheathe.
Next, he transform his right arm into his arm cannon once again and he plunges it into the water, sucking in a bit of water. Once that was done, Tarmos aims his arm cannon at the masses as it then shoots out a beam of water, which disintegrate the masses, until there was nothing left of them.
"Alright, that was fun." Tarmos said as he stops firing his arm cannon and opening a hatch, which let out the liquidy contents inside.
Soon, Tarmos feels something warm on the back of his neck and he begins to touch it as the warmness moves to the back of his paw. He turns around to see a bit of sunlight coming through the trees.
"What? It's morning? That quick!?"
Later on, Tarmos had found a stone path, which led him back to the Great City of Draguun, and when he does, he was greeted by the sound of horrifed screams as the city is in chaos. More of those masses came, roaming the great city and tries to turn those living into stone.
At the other side of the great city, Pengu and the strongest dragons are preparing themselves for battle.
"This is impossible, how did the Druun past our barriers, they were filled with water!" Said one of the dragons.
"That doesn't make sense." Says another.
"Enough!" Pengu yelled. "We are wasting our time with talk, now lets move and drive away the Druun and save the others as best as we can. Let's go!"
The dragons flew down to where the commotion's at, but Pengu stayed behind as Sisu walks beside him.
"Sisu, do you have the Dragon Gem with you?" Pengu asked.
"Yes, it's here." Sisu replied, showing the gem on her paws.
"Good, we must go to the center of the city and you will use it to drive the Druun away."
Afterwards, Pengu and Sisu went down to a part of the city, which is near the center as Pengu uses his magic to push back the Druun, while protecting Sisu and other defenseless dragons within the area, and as soon as they are at the center of the great city, Sisu runs pass Pengu and flies above a large dragon monument and the Dragon Gem within her paws begins to float. Soon, a wall of Druun appear going towards the center as Pengu's and Sisu's eyes went wide with shock.
How could so many came here? Sisu thought.
"Sisu! Do it know!" Pengu yelled.
Then, the floating Dragon Gem on top of Sisu's paws begins to glow as waves of blue light explodes from the gem and went through Sisu and everything it touches, but the waves of blue light destroys the Druun that were almost at the center of the city.
Sisu felt like her and Pengu's job is done, but a new horde of Druun came.
"No." Pengu said, looking at the horde in bewilderment.
Sisu quickly uses the Dragon Gem, but the power within the gem couldn't muster anymore magic.
She and the rest of the dragons are all doomed, but not for long as a shadow looms over the great city. Everyone looks up and see a wave calmly and threateningly looms over the city. Sisu soon looks down when she hears footsteps and sees Tarmos, his glowing sword within his paw, and see that he was controlling the wave as Pengu notices this too.
"H-How could one dragon possess such ability?" Pengu asked as no one answers his question.
Then, the waves flies down towards the blade of Tarmos's sword as it swirls around it. Suddenly, a line of glowing light appear on the sword and it formed a language that is not of this world and, when you translate it, it says, Lumikhron, The Unforgiving Sea, and by Tarmos's command, he aims his sword at the horde as a large beam of water washed away the Druun, destroying them all. After that, the glowing alien words on Tarmos's blade disappears, including the water that once spiral around it. Tarmos looks at his handy work as he takes a few step forwards. He sees small numbers of Druun that are still trying to take over the city from afar, until a loud voice was heard, commanding the Druun to retreat. Tarmos then sees the owner of that loud voice and it was a pale young man, clad in dark purple metal armor, and he was staring at Tarmos and then at his sword, which Tarmos notices and puts his sword back to its sheathe.
The young man grunts. "Move along, we failed."
After that encounter, every dragon went out from their hiding spots and slowly walk towards the city center.
"It was that armored dragon!" One of them said, grabbing the crowd's attention. "I saw that with my own eyes, he drove away the Druun with his magical sword."
Soon, everyone cheered for Tarmos as they went to him and tried to give him a pat on the shoulder or even a hug, but they gasp as Tarmos grabs out sword and yells out frightfully.
"Keep away from me!!!"
Then Sisu went in between them. "I'm so sorry, I don't think he's used to this."
We are now at the jungle where the petrified Sisu Fan Club are as the stone statues begin to crack and, one by one, they are all free as all of them knew who was responsible for their freedom.
"Ah, I'm alive. I'M ALIVE!!!" One of them said as they turn around and continues to say. "Thank you, Sisudatu-."
"No, thank me!"
Everyone were shocked to see Tarmos, who is holding the Dragon Gem on one paw, is standing right in front of them as Pengu came out behind him, including the Kannika Fan Club, who look down at the ground, feeling guilty.
"Hmm, these are the ones who tried to attack you?" Pengu asked.
Tarmos nodded.
"Well, this isn't unusual for them to do this to anyone close to my dear sister, and now, this is the last straw for them and I will make sure they will be punished for their unhealthy behavior." Pengu said, lightly glaring the the fan club as most of the members gulped in fear.

In a cave, hidden within the jagged mountains of Spine, the Druun now rest and regaining their strength and their leader, the only human within the cave, is there and he's talking to a voice within a large purple canyon.
"My master, we failed." The young man said, bowing down in front of the crack. "The Great City of Draagun is now free from our grasp."
Then, a soothing male voice comes through the canyon and said. "I had seen."
"That's because of that one dragon, my master."
"Yes, that dragon, Tarmos Rime."
Then, the young man stands up. "I will deal with him, if you will allow me, and I will take his blade and use it to destroy those who try to stop us-."
"NO!" Boomed the voice as the young man takes a step back.
"But why?"
"That sword is nothing but trouble and that I wish it wasn't made. His sword will only lead to your downfall, Chatri. Do what you must do to claim Kumandra for my arrival and don't you dare take... That... Sword."
After that, the purple glow within the canyon disappears into the darkness.
"As you wish, my master... For now. I will have that sword, whether you like it or not."

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