Before Us (short chapter)

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It was warm day within the forests of the dragon city, Draagun, where Sisudatu, one of their princesses, is walking and searching for someone, until that is, she hears someone lightly snoring on top of the highest branches of the trees. 
"Hey, are you awake?" She asked.
No reply.
"Hmm..." She then reaches for a pebble on the forest's ground and throws it to the one snoring, trying to gain their attention.
"Hey, wake up." Sisu said as she threw one pebble, and every time she spoke she throws a pebble to the snoring individual. "Wake up... Hey... Hey, wake up... Hey!" 
"Shush! I'm trying to sleep, serpent!" Says a voice from the highest branch.
"Aw, come on Tarmy, you gotta get up and exercise. Plus, I want to hang out with you." 
"For the last time, my name is not 'Tarmy', it's Tarmos Rime, you maggot!!! Now, let me sleep."
Tarmos begins to fall asleep as his soft snores are heard once more, which made the dragon princess frown. After a few seconds, another pebble hits the black and grey dragon's arm.
"Please, wake up." Says Sisu.
"Sisu, I'm tired."
Soon, another pebble hits him, then another, then another, then another.
"Sisu, stop, all I want is to sleep-." His words are ignored, unfortunately, as a rock hits his face very hard, which made him yelp.
Realizing what she has done, Sisu apologizes to Tarmos, saying. "Oh my, Tarmos, I'm sorry, I was suppose to hit the branch and-."
Something dark and large lands in front of the blue female dragon and the impact of its landing made the ground and the trees shake. Standing in front of her is Tarmos Rime, bearing his sharp set of teeth. He snarls at her, while staring at her with an unseen furious glare, and on his right paw, he holds the rock she threw at him.
"Your bloody dead!!!" 
Soon, Sisu runs away while Tarmos gives chase as the both of them are running within the forests. Once at the end of the forest, Sisu thought she is safe from Tarmos, but she got tackled by her pursuer as Tarmos pushes her to the ground, while he growls at her face.
"Don't you ever do that again!" Tarmos said.
Sisu, with wide and fearful eyes, nodded in response.
Satisfied with her response, Tarmos stops growling at Sisu and gets off of her as he begins his journey back to his favorite tree.
Seeing this, Sisu asked. "Where are you going?"
"Going back to my tree branch." Tarmos bluntly said.
Before Tarmos went towards the forest, he hears sniffing, which made him turn around to see Sisu crying.
"All I want... Is to hangout with you." She spoke in between sobs
Tarmos rolls his unseen eyes and scoff as he continues on walking, but, the most strangest thing is that his feet won't move. Confused, he tries walk, instead, he only made a step forward to the forest, and as he hears Sisu cry some more, he felt something within his heart that he'd never felt in years. Guilt. Turning around to see her once more, Tarmos sighs and walks towards her. 
While Sisu, whose back is facing Tarmos, is wiping away her tears, she hears the sound of feet stomping towards her and a large shadow is cast over her.
"What do you want?" She asked, grumpily.
"Sisu... I'm sorry, all I wanted is to sleep, but it wasn't right pushing you away from me. I hope there is something that could make you feel better."
After a few moments of silence, Tarmos got spooked when something dashed towards him, and an arm took a hold of his own arm, and lastly, the sight of Sisu's dry and gleeful face is seen as her face was super close to Tarmos's face.
"Alrighty then, let's go out and chill." She said as she drags Tarmos with her. 
Stunned by this, Tarmos looks at her Sisu with a confused look. "H-Hold on, you were crying and-."
"Boop!" Sisu interrupted Tarmos as she booped Tarmos's nose. She then continue to say. "Tricked ya."
Realizing what she'd done, Tarmos tries to speak, but the only words he could say are. "Y-You you you... Y-You tricked... You....... Shut up, you tricky gremlin!!!"
Sisu bursts into laughter and, while she laughs, she asked. "What's a gremlin?"
"Quiet, Datu, or I'll leave." 
"Okay okay, grumpy, I'll be quiet." Sisu said, whilst she giggles.
'By Lumikha, how did I get into this situation?' Tarmos thought to himself, while Sisu continues to drag him to her home city.

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