Before Us II: Going Back

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The Dragon Gem. A mystical gem created by the last dragons, Datu, and they created this gem when the Druun became unstoppable.
This magical relic of ancient Kumandra now resides within a dark room, and within this dark room, there is an opening that lets the sun or the moon shine their light upon the levitating Dragon Gem, that is floating on top of a patch of grass, and of which I stand in front.
How peculiar, the Datu Siblings have made a relic made out of water, yet they managed to cram in their powers within it. How powerful it is to wield its absolute power, and what if I went back to how I was.
"Tarmos, *yawns* what are doing here so late at night?" A tired voice behind me spoke.
I turn around to see that it was only the sleepy Pengudatu himself, and I could see dark bags underneath his eyes even though the room we're in is dark.
Curious, I said. "I want to say the same question to you, my dear friend."
Pengudatu slowly lifts a brow as he said. "I heard voices, until I found you here in this room, talking to yourself."
Hehe, of coarse, you did. I thought.
Now, it is my turn to answer his question. "Well, yes, I was talking to myself within this darkened room, and I was also talking about the Dragon Gem's... Magnificence."
Pengudatu's reply was an agreeing hum. 
"But, I also thought of something else, still related with the Dragon Gem." I said.
"What if I... Hold onto it." I say as I look back to the power-filled gem before me.
"Well, I hope my young and sweet sister won't mind-."
"You and your siblings would mind." I interrupted him, which made the emerald colored dragon confused.
"Have I ever told you about my past, my... Origin?" I asked.
"Yes, but a bit." Pengudatu replied.
"Well then. Like what I had said to Sisu, my past does not have humble beginnings..."
As it all started with the first wall of the Kingdom of Core. The wall was protecting first the part of the kingdom for millennia, and no one on the planet or anyone outside of the planet could bring the wall down... Until someone came along and brought it all down.
Rain fell, and so did the hailing fire which fell upon the first city. Dragons, big and small, ran frantically in different directions whilst they forget what was important to them, yet there is a little few who cling on to their most precious possession... Family, a thing that I once had.
With this destruction going, an army, known as The Old Blood, came marching through the chaos while one hold onto their flag. 
Soon, bodies of those who tried to stop one of them, some were decapitated, some has faces that are beyond recognition, and on top of them, there I stood, holding onto the flag of the Old Blood, proudly looking at the death I caused with my piercing yellow eyes. And with what I've sees, I began to want something more, and that is... power, absolute power! I pursued this dream by doing the unthinkable. I control the weather, bringing in violent thunderstorms to disintegrate my enemies! I twisted the dragons of Planet Core, transforming them into mindless servants. I've stole the blood of a dark god and drank it to have his power, and with that power, I destroyed countless worlds!...
"With those powers, that I still possess today, what if I combine them with something... Foreign."
"... You wanted to take the Dragon Gem for yourself, weren't you." Pengudatu said, with a blank face. This confuses me as I thought his face would be riddled with disgust and anger.
"Yes, you are correct... What? No argument?" I asked.
Pengudatu shakes his head.
"I have nothing to argue, Tarmos. What ever decision you make, I hope it brings you happiness."
I am really quite surprise the most powerful dragon in this world is letting me take the very thing that destroys the Druun, and the very thing that I could use to go back to Planet Core and finish what I have started! 
I now walk towards the gem, so eager to take it away from the ethereal light of the moon. When I reached out my hand towards it, on the Dragon Gem, I see a reflection of myself, until that is, the Dragon Gem, and the room we're in change. The Dragon Gem seems to be distorted, and as I look at myself again, I see myself... But not the self that I am today, but rather that, myself from the past.

Why am I feeling this sense of dread and fear? This was me! How could I be scared of the person I once was?Suddenly, memories of my time here on this earth came into my mind as these memories shows my point of view of me being with

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Why am I feeling this sense of dread and fear? This was me! How could I be scared of the person I once was?
Suddenly, memories of my time here on this earth came into my mind as these memories shows my point of view of me being with...
The memories I have with Sisu played on my mind and I realised that I was... Happy, a feeling that I haven't felt for a long time.
Once these memories fade away, I look at my reflection of my former self once again, then something that I said came into my mind.
'You and your siblings would mind.'
"Sisu." I whispered her name, which weirdly make my heart ache.
I close my unseen eyes as I inhale and exhale, and once that's done, I look at the Dragon Gem and my reflection, which went back to normal, and I also look at my paw, reaching out to the Dragon Gem.
"No." I said out loud as I take my paw away from the Dragon Gem. "I don't think going back to my old ways is giving me any happiness, or will it bring any to-."
"Sisu?" Pengudatu said, finishing my sentence.
Surprised and spooked, I said. "Y-Yes! Wait, how did you know-."
"I may not be going out thay often, yet I could see that you and my sister are getting a bit closer. You care for her, and you're in love with her, aren't yoj?"
I froze.
"Uh... No." I spoke in a weak and pathetic voice.
"Don't fully denying it, Tarmos. I seen it whenever Sisu travels somewhere new and you're always there by her side and protecting her. Oh! Or that time you didn't want to hurt her feelings when she wanted to hang out with you."
"I... I don't... Care... J-Just please change the subject!" I said whilst Pengudatu sees my blushing face, which brought a smile on the emerald colored dragon.
Pengudatu chuckles and said "I won't judge you for having feelings with my sister, and let's just say that I accept you as Sisu's future lover."
"If that ever happen." I said. "Because, who knows, maybe her future lover is someone other than me."
"Hmm, we'll see then. Other than that... Goodnight, Tarmos."
"O-Oh, goodnight, Pengudatu."
Next, I watch the emerald dragon exit the room and closes the door behind him, leaving me alone in this room with the Dragon Gem.
I look at the magical gem one last time, till I feel my eyes getting heavy.
"It's getting pretty late. I better gey back to Sisu's room, don't want to ruin the sleepover without their guest sleeping with them."
Soon, I'm off as I travel throughout the bottom of the Datu Estate, until I travel towards the top of their home, where I quietly head to Sisu's room, where I see Sisu, Chai Son, Amba, and... Kannika? Shrugging, I slowly lay down on my designated bed and head to sleep.

Kumandra and The Lost Dragon (A Raya and The Last Dragon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now