Spawn Of Discord

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It is now night at the home of the dragons, The Great City of Draagun, as Sisu, Achara, and Tarmos, who is clad in his colored in and drawn on steel armor, are walking the empty streets of this great city.

"Well guys, it's nice to meet you and all, but, it's getting late, I better head home." Achara said as she leaves her friends.
"Bye!" Tarmos and Sisu spoke in unison.
And now, Tarmos and Sisu are left alone as they continue on to wander.
"So..." Sisu begins to say. "How was it today?"
"Today? Eventful." Tarmos spoke in a chill way.
"That's all?" Sisu asked, looking at her friend with a puzzled look.
"Yes, that's all, why?"
"I thought you're gonna say more than 'eventful'."
"Well, it has been... Eventful."
After Tarmos's response, which is the same answer, it annoys Sisu as this made the gray, black dragon chuckle softly, since he's now the one being annoying
Sisu groans. "Come on! Please, tell me more!"
Following Sisu's request for more than just one answer from Tarmos, her friend stays silent for a moment, till Tarmos spoke.
"Joyful. I was happy during my welcoming party, even though you can't see me smiling or feeling alive, I was happy alright, and I was even more happy having... You with me."
"Me?" Sisu said, surprised. "How come?"
"When we first met I felt horrified by your presence and I gripped my sword so tightly, ready to slice you open if you dare attack me. When we introduced ourselves to one another and you purposely and jokingly mispronounce my last name, due to my stuttering voice, you suddenly made me... Comfortable, calm, and even safe, I don't know. So, that's why I was happy having you with me."
Sisu was in shock and she doesn't know what to say about Tarmos's sweet answer. Afterwards, Tarmos turns away from Sisu and he now stares straight ahead.
"Sisu, can I walk by myself? I want to be alone for a while."
"Oh! S-Sure, I'll meet you back at my place, kay?"
After that, the two say their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
Tarmos is at another part of Draagun and it was within a forest and as he went deeper and deeper into the dark forest, he feels like he was feeling followed as he begins to hear something nearby and he starts to slowly reach down for his sword. Suddenly, fast flashes of aqua, red, and ocean blue light begin to claw and punch Tarmos and they circle around him as they do so. Tarmos, even too, was fast as he whacks and slashes his sword at a dragon's face, leaving a deep wound on the dragon's right cheek. Soon, this assault on Tarmos stops as the warrior dragon throws the three glowing dragons to the ground.
"Who are you? Who sent you?!" Tarmos asked as he grips the hilt of the sword tightly.
"We sent ourselves to get rid of you as you are not worthy of Kannika's love!"
Afterwards, the three glowing dragons stand up proudly and begin to pose as their leader (the one that Tarmos gave him a deep wound on their right cheek) begins to speak.
"I am Aat! The brave and great leader of the Kannika Fan Club, where we watch her every move and defend her from unworthy love interests."
A Kannika Fan Club? Isn't that interesting, Tarmos thought.
"And you want to get rid of me, that's right?" Tarmos said.
"Yes! And we will do so by brute strength."
Silence ensues.
"Uh... Did you hear me?" Aat asked.
At this moment, and after Tarmos hears these two words 'brute force', the songs of his home world begins to play in his mind as a frightening smile appears on his face.
"Um... We're gonna fight you, so..."
"Bring it on, serpent scum! And you will taste the fist and blade of a former gladiator of New Kaenach!!!"
So then, the three members of the Kannika Fan Club fell victim to the former gladiator's brutal ways of combat, but the three dragons couldn't give up just yet as one of them breathes out mist from their mouth, covering Tarmos's vision.
"Quick, we must combine our power to finish him off, Aat!" One of the members said.
"All right, let's-... huh?"
Within the mist, they see something glowing, and as the mist parted, they see Tarmos's gauntlet's transformed into two arm cannons. Then, Tarmos begins to clasp the two arm cannons together as they quickly form a much more bigger arm (arms?) cannon.
Next, in slow motion, a large beam of light purple plasma energy blasts out from the cannon and hit the three members of The Kannika Fan Club. Afterwards, the three fell down to the ground, unmoving, yet alive.
"*Sigh* All that energy, wasted on such unworthy foes." Tarmos said with annoyance as he (lightly) kicked Aat's unconscious body.
Behind Tarmos, there is a wall of thick bushes, where a group of dragons then jumped out.
"We are The Sisu Fan Club, prepare to meet your-..." One of the dragons said, but he immediately stops when he sees the unconscious members of The Kannika Fan Club.
Afterwards, Tarmos turns his head, at a 90 degree angle (only that the other fan club would see half of his face), and give them a wide, yet unsettling smile.
"Doom." Tarmos said, finishing the dragon's sentence.

It was an eventful night within the floating city of Talon, where traders across Kumandra are attracted by Talon's goods

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It was an eventful night within the floating city of Talon, where traders across Kumandra are attracted by Talon's goods. Within the vibrant city, there are many traders and merchants giving great deals to their customers, but there would be one of them who couldn't satisfy their buyer because of their unsatisfying products, for example, this one merchant sold a magical doll that could dance if you play music to it, and the buyer, who is a performer, bought it and played their flute to it and... It does nothing. The buyer thought the doll was broken, till they knew why as they saw the merchant, who sold the magical dancing doll to them, show other customers another doll and it was dancing to music alright, but there were thin strings attached to the doll's limbs, which the strings are also attached to the merchant's fingers. Enraged and feeling like a fool, the performer stomps their way through the crowd and come face to face with the merchant and the performer exposed the merchant, showing the people around them that the merchant is a fake as this escalated into a fight. When the merchant was about to give another punch to the performer, the floor beneath shakes as a thunder-like roar came after that and this continues on for another few seconds.
At the other side of Talon, there is a jungle and within this jungle hides a large fissure, which emits a purple light. Then all of a sudden, a dark purple smoke erupts from the fissure and amorphous dark purple masses begin to rise out from the fissure and begin to go at a single direction. Soon, the land, of which these amorphous dark purple masses roam around, has ended as these large herd of these masses all stopped in front of a calm stream of water, all scared to touch the pure blue liquid. However, one of them went through the stream, while they scream in pain, and soon, one by one the rest of the herd did the same as they past the stream in agony.
This couldn't happen without the merchant and the performer fight against each other, their violence gave birth to creatures, born by their discord.

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