Chapter 12: Grieving Love

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The funeral was two days later and all in the realm of Mirkwood were full of remorse. The queen was one who was gentle and showed love to all making her beloved by everyone. The earth even seemed to mourn the queen's death from the silence of the animals to the pouring rain outside.

They built her cairns around her in the private gardens behind the palace. It was made out of beautiful marble stones and shined like the moon.

The feast afterwards was quite quiet all had come to show their condolences. Even Elrond and his wife Celebrían. Along with their rather mischievous twins Elladan and Elrohir. As well as their youngest Arwen who was about Legolas's age came all the way from Rivendell. They tried to comfort their friend but to no avail.

The funeral was officially over and all was silent throughout the palace. Thranduil sat by the fireplace in the drawing room left all alone with only his thoughts. He blamed only himself for his wife's death, he should have never let her go, was all that went through his head. He felt useless and black as the void unaware of all that was around him. He didn't even notice the door slightly crack open or hear the sounds of four limbs hitting the floor.

It wasn't until he felt something weigh down his legs that he came out of his trance. He looked down to see little Legolas using his legs to steady himself on his own tiny chubby legs.

"Ada?" Legolas said as he lifted his arms to reach for him.

Legolas then lost what little balance he had and started to fall. Thranduil quickly caught the little elfling in his hands before he fell. He lifted Legolas by his armpits and sat him down in his lap.

"What is it my little leaf?" Thranduil said as he tried to keep himself together for Legolas's sake.

"Where Nana?"

Legolas started to silently cry as tears streamed down his little face.

"Oh my pen tithen she has moved onto Menel without us, but she loves you very much ...and I'm... sure wishes ...she could be here with you now"

Thranduil couldn't help the sniffles and silver streams of tears flowing from his face.

"Miss nana."

"I miss her too my little leaf but your nana would want us to be happy together so please no more tears my son"

Thranduil wiped away the tiny similar tears from Legolas's face.

Legolas hugged his little arms around his ada as much as he could. Thranduil brought his son closer to him.

"love Ada"

Even though the sentence didn't make much sense Thranduil still knew exactly what he meant.

"I love you two Legolas"

He then cradled his son and for a moment forgot about his sorrow of the queen's death. He slowly rocked Legolas in his arms till he fell asleep. Thranduil then watched his peacefully sleeping son and began to think.

He missed his wife so much his heart ached with the deepest pain, but he still has his son. He gripped Legolas tighter to his chest. He was the one light left behind in his life. If Legolas were ever lost he would never be able to be happy again and would fade away.

He then whispered ever so quietly into Legolas's tiny pointed ear "never leave me my little leaf" and then kissed him on the forehead.

Legolas even though asleep grasped tightly to Thranduil's robes as if to say never.

Thranduil then felt tired himself and proceeded to walk to his bedroom. He laid himself and Legolas down on his bed and then clutched to his elfling tightly hoping to never lose what is most precious to him again.

Father and son were together and had what was most important each other.

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