What he's scared of/ His fears

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Light: Light has Agoraphobia: The fear of situations in which escape is difficult. You two decided to try the escape room together. With Light being as smart as he is he would panick and slowly start to break down if he he was in a situation with no escape or very little chance of escaping.  When this kicks in he stops everything he's doing and stares down. So you have to be there to calm him down whenever it happens. "It's okay babe we'll find a way out of this I promise" you say kissing his forehead.

L: being alone or lonely. When he met you the fear went away for a while but it came back just ask fast. He thinks that your gonna leave him or that Kira will get to you. If that happens he'll become depressed and won't be motivated to do anything.
"Hey baby, I'm right here ok?" "I'll always be by your side no matter what" you say as you hug him.

Near:  Near has Acrophobia: A fear of heights. Sure he may want to be taller but this baby is scared of heights. You found out when you two went on a elevator that was made of glass. It was really nice and a relaxing view until near looked down and saw how high you two were. He gasp and backed up into a corner. You noticed this action and immediately walked towards him hugging him. He hid his face in your chest afraid of looking down until you guys got off. Once he heard the ding from the elevator he rushed out. You guys took the stairs after that.
"He don't be scared baby boy I'm here to protect you"

Mello: he actually has clorophobia: A fear of clowns. You two went to a hunted house Together he got a little scared here and there but when he saw that fucking clown. He screamed to the top of his lungs. You look over at mello scared on why he was screaming and he pointed to the clown. The clown being a dumbass decided to walk over to you two. But mello started beating the shit out of the clown, you had to hold him back. There wasn't an exit nearby so you two had no choice but to walk through it. As you walked mello hung onto you tightly as he buried his face into your shirt you could feel him slightly shaking. You guys finally made it out and you comforted mello. "Well I'm not going to do that again." He says "yeah you aren't, were fucking banded because you almost killed that damn clown."

Death Note X SMR (Seme Male Reader) Boyfriend scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now