Chapter Eight

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        It was dark. Blacker than the onyx paint I use to make irises on my prosthesis. Blacker than the surface of the lake in the woods nearby at midnight. The only way I can properly depict it was void. So, very, very dark. I could not even see my hand as I waved it a centimeter from my face and the smell. Oh, God, the smell! Like patients that are bed-bound. Catheters, gangrene, and waste. Death. It smells like I was trapped in a filthy morgue. I had to stop myself from doubling over and spewing my insides. This place unsettled me and had an eerie likeness to all those studies of circles of hell. The atmosphere alone was enough to have me breaking out in a cold sweat, and I only stood still. I didn't know what had me more unnerved; the blackness or the silence. I don't think there was another living thing within a ten-mile radius. I could hear my sweat dripping down my skin!

Paaaahhh, paaaaaaah, paaaaah

A suffocating, agonizing wheeze echoed disembodied in the abyss. So far away and yet over my shoulder at the same time. It echoed, traveled, and resonated through the shadows, and then in its wave was a throaty growl like a wild animal, savage and hungry. A chill ran down my spine, and suddenly I wished I was alone again. I wanted to run, needed to freeze, but I could do neither as I realized I was being chained to my spot by invisible claws as an equally ghostly epidermic unloads into my heart, adrenaline freezing my veins over and leaves me shaking in my place.

My eyes darted around the void in any attempt to see what is locked in here with me, but I couldn't make anything out. Nothing black enough to be dark against the darkness, instead this place protected the monster. It cloaked the creature in veils while it stalked me. Only the occasional wheeze would leave the predator's mail and have me nearly burst into terrified tears. Just as I found the strength to glance over my shoulder, I wished I didn't. A silhouette loomed, and as I stared it grew. Taller, and taller, and taller till it was at least a torso and head higher than me. I had to crane my head skyward in order to gawk where its face was meant to be. It raised its taloned appendage and then swiped at me, I was pinned down easily, embarrassingly so, and then it subdued me. Helplessness was a terrible feeling, but impending doom was on a whole new level. I trembled as this thing held me down, and all I could do was stare up at the only thing I could actually see in this place with any clarity... teeth.

This monster had the most terrifying mail I had ever seen; two rows of perfectly pointy pearly whites. Each one glistening without any light and the eagerness to devour me. I tried to beg for freedom, but my voice got stuck in my throat as the beast lowered its head and sank its fangs into my shoulder. I sounded like a crisp apple being bitten into for the first time! The pain... was indescribable. Numbing. I honestly wished I would have blacked out, but for some reason, I couldn't slip away. What followed was even worse. The beast showed no pity; it threw its head back, taking a chunk of me with it and the sound! Slurping, sloshing, and... screaming. I only realized I was doing all the screaming after a moment or so.

It felt like it would go on forever. Seconds felt like lifetimes and minutes felt like hell. I watched pathetically as this black-clad creature ate me. It's clawing tearing my torso apart after doing a damn near perfect 'Y' incision, it slurped and bathed in what was meant to keep me alive, and actually seemed to enjoy the life fade from me. The last thing I could remember before passing out was how the sick fuck pulled my own beating heart from my chest cavity and dangled it just for me to see. Then with more force than necessary, he abruptly yanked it out.

It's not like how they depict it in the movies. There is no fright, and suddenly you sit upright in your bed. No, you're drenched from head-to-toe in sweat as you scream and cry and sob. There's snot and screaming and you feel gross. It takes you about ten minutes to even realize that it was all a dream and that your alarm clock was what saved you from enduring it any longer. I felt sick to my stomach, and I literally sprang to my feet to go and throw up in the toilet.

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