Chapter Nine

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        Completely brushing past my apartment, not being inclined to even put my things away, I headed over to Jazz's place after climbing up the stairwell. Thankfully, she was at home currently, in my mental plight it hadn't occurred to me that they may or may not be home. I made a small huff of relief when I approached her door, I could tell she was home because the flowerpot full of daffodils wasn't out beside the welcome mat. It was a tell-tale sign that she was home.

She put them out to get 'sunshine' while she went to work. I wasn't entirely sure how that worked considering how the sunlight, or lack thereof, drifted around inside the apartment building halls. That was just one of the many oddities that she exhibited. She was unique, a breath of fresh air, and that's what made her so charming. Or, perhaps, I was just too tired and numb to her antics.

The inside of my stomach churned, an angry bubble gurgling up my throat. Inhaling sharply at the uncomfortable feeling, I swallowed hard, taking my hand up to her door and knocking. I shifted uncomfortably in wait for her to open the door. Soon, I had heard a signature 'click' of a deadbolt and the door was flung open. She dawned her bright smile as she appeared from behind the door.

Noticing my obvious mental anguish, she flicked her eyes over me, scanning for something that may have been wrong. Her mid-length curls bounced playfully at the draft of wind that came from the stairwell, betraying the worried expression she had on. It was amazing how she kept herself so adorable even after hard days at her job.

The dread of asking to stay over is killing me, it was a moment of weakness none of us could have predicted. I felt weak, powerless, and I knew if I really was being stalked, it could get way worse. Either way, I should've texted, called maybe, or just some sort of heads up. Continuing to worsen my anxiety, many more thoughts swam through my head as I tried to explain my unorthodox actions.

I haven't even come up with a reason to tell her as to why I'm acting like this. Shaking myself out of my drowning thoughts I peered up at Jazz. She gave me an eyebrow arch, eyes gesturing to the things I had yet to put away.

"Jazz-" I choke out, I inhale a deep sigh, "Could you let me stay over?" I inwardly punch myself at how desperate I sound. Surely she'd think I'm losing it if I told her about these paranoid feelings of mine. Or, on the off chance she actually believed it was more than paranoia, she'd tell me to go talk to the cops.

Which would be the best course of action, but that was not possible, I refused to talk to the cops. So in order to not get pressured into some advice about a situation they knew nothing about, I silently promised myself I wouldn't tell her. I could see the wheels turning in Jazz's head as she thinks it over. She clearly wasn't expecting company tonight. I added a small 'please' as an afterthought, trying to convince her to let me stay over. I was desperate, I not in a state where I could be alone all night.

My pride began to etch away at the thought of relying on another's goodwill, but the nagging paranoia kept me standing there, staying hopeful that I wouldn't have to be alone all night again. I could feel the anger I had wearing off, and in its place, leaving a cruel amount of anxiety. "Come in. I'm happy to let you stay over." Jazz breathes out, casting another worried glance my way. She sidesteps out of the way to let me enter her apartment.

Ignoring her obvious cue to enter, I embrace her tightly, dropping all my things to the floor. Resounding in a giant thud. She chuckles stiffly at my sudden embrace, awkwardly standing there as she didn't quite expect the sudden physical affection. She didn't realize how much anxiety I was actually in and how much this small gesture of kindness meant to me.

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