Chapter Four

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        Sighing, I gently set down my sketchbook onto my work desk. It had been a tediously long day at work again. This past week has just been horrible, even I, a person who loves their job, can occasionally have off days. Except, this wasn't an off day, it had been like this the entire week. Feeling the tension in my muscles relax as I begin to pack up my stuff for the day, I begin to start locking my office up. I had never been one for tidying up, so that often left my office as a safety hazard to other patients, hence why I needed to lock up.

Grabbing my keys from the key hole in my office door, I make my way back out into the parking lot. My car was parked in a "Reserved Parking" spot for the staff of the hospital. The reserved parking spots were something I had always found quite nice, making parking a TON easier.

Unlocking my car doors with my key. I quickly unload everything that I had in my arms, whether it be my sketchbooks, my supplies, just everything. I was too tired to care if I had thrown anything important, too stressed, and far too ready for the day to be over with. Silently acknowledging it would be a hassle to gather my stuff again, I started the car and began my drive on the way home.

I don't know what it was about today, but I just felt so tired. I was borderline falling asleep at the wheel and, god knows, I didn't need to be getting into an accident. However, just for one moment, I thought it would be okay if I shut my eyes for a bit. However, when I opened my eyes, a large robust man was standing in the middle of the road. Shocked, I immediately tried slamming my breaks, but my car wouldn't stop. Over and over again, I stomped and stampeded on my breaks, hoping, praying, it would work. When I gave up on that, I honked my horn at him, bashing against the dashboard and hollering, but he didn't flinch. He just stood there as a one ton vehicle barreled towards him. He. Just. Stood. There.

I screamed and I shouted at the man till my throat became raw, I hollered and threw a tantrum like a child, but to no avail. At some point, amidst the screaming and honking, I had just accepted it, this is what was going to happen. I would be accused of vehicular manslaughter and I'd have to deal with the repercussions.

And then I hit him.

I heard a loud crunch and a few agonizing screams before my view was obstructed by a deep crimson liquid that coated my windshield.

My eyes reluctantly opened, not wanting to face what could've just happened. Gasping for air, I let out a low guttural croak from my throat. I felt myself curl upwards from my sweat soaked covers and placed my hand to my mouth. My stomach had gotten queasy from the vivid imagery the nightmare had given me and I felt that I could no longer stomach the bile in my throat. I stubbornly chalked it down, not wanting to throw up in my bed.

Thank god it wasn't real.

It took a while to snap out of that nightmare mentality. Truth to be told, the nightmare had shaken me up quite a bit, considering how realistic it felt, but it wasn't something I couldn't handle. I was an adult now, I could deal with a nightmare or two. That is what I'd like to say anyways, but I can't say that with all honesty, nightmares are awful, no matter how mild. Even as a fully working adult, it doesn't change how terrifying they can be.

Finally, out of my shaken state, I noticed how parched my throat was. I was terribly thirsty, and considering my bed was humid and sticky with my sweat, I figured it might be good to get out of bed for a while. Quickly releasing myself from the confines of my covers, I make my trek through the dark apartment that I called my home. I stumbled around a bit before my eyes finally adjusted to the dark, but that didn't stop me. I was terribly thirsty, and almost hacking up the liquids in my stomach left a bitter taste in my mouth.

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