Chapter Five

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        It was a regular morning in the office, I'm sitting here, not fully awake, and working on menial things. I had finished a prosthetic for one of my patients yesterday, so I was left with a little less to do than normal. Which meant I had a little free time, of course, that free time would be put to use on other jobs, for example, Winnie's eye, but for some reason, I was having difficulties working on it. I suspect it had less to do with the project and more to do with myself. I had caught myself spacing out more than usual as of late.

I looked down to my desk, only to see an abundance of papers with just a bunch of lines. Sighing, I stretch back into my chair, pushing myself away from my cluttered desk. You know what they say, a cluttered room, a cluttered mind. If I wasn't going to be able to work anyways, I might as well clean up a bit. Deciding with a triumphant huff, I psych myself up, getting ready to clean my desk. Rolling and cuffing my sleeves, I begin organizing my desk, taking time to separate all my tools into their respective areas. I felt proud of taking the initiative for once and not having one of my co-workers bug me about it. Just because I normally didn't care, doesn't mean it didn't feel nice to be productive. Chuckling to myself, I gloss over my many sketches and scribbles, remembering the few times my co-workers came into my office only to find me buried under a pile of papers.



My reminiscing is abruptly interrupted by an obnoxious ringing. Stopping my hands from organizing any further, I sigh and go to pick up the phone.



With a loud click, I pick up the phone, "Hello, this is Dr. (Y/l/n) speaking, have you called to make an appointment?"

"Um-" a woman on the other end choked, "This is Winnie's mother, we spoke last time remember?" She seemed a tad awkward from the tone in her voice. I reckoned that she was probably just about as unsociable as her daughter. I smiled and chuckled to myself, at least she sounded like she was in better spirits than when she last visited. "Of course I remember. You have such a darling child, how could I forget?" I warmly responded. My response seemed to have done wonders in easing her nerves because her voice was flowing out a lot more naturally, not to mention she wasn't making any weird intonations.

"Thank you so much, I made her myself." she snorted. Her response made my heart feel warm. "Anyways, what I called you about is Winnie's eye."

"Oh! Of course, Mrs. Smith! What is it that you'd like to inquire about?"

"Well... I was wondering how it was coming along with Winnie's eye? I- I understand that you are probably busy but-" she started, but after listing for a while, I figured it would be better to cut her off. "Of course, Mrs. Smith. I understand completely. I know you only want the best for your daughter, and I assure you, while it may take some time," I paused, "I'll finish Winnie's eye even if it kills me."

I received a soft sigh from the mother. She seemed to be relieved. "Anyways, would you mind telling me how Winnie is doing? She's such a sweet child and for something so traumatic to happen at such a young age..." I let my words drift off. Just as I thought that she had gone completely silent, she had a burst of excitement. "Of course, I love to brag about my Winnie after all!" she readily replied. It was a relief that I hadn't said anything wrong, or rather, that she didn't get upset at what I said. I suppose I should thank the lord that I was talking to such a doting parent, so much so, that she completely glossed over my second statement.

"She's alright. Thankfully, she isn't tripping or bumping into things as much as she did. She was very disoriented for the first few weeks." she spoke, an airy, empty chuckle left her lips at the end. "I thought about baby proofing the house once. But like I said, she's alright." After a couple more minutes of chatter, Mrs. Smith was finished talking about Winnie. I heard a soft "Mom. I'm hungry" in the background and I supposed it was Winnie judging from her reaction. She paused her story and said something I couldn't quite make out, then said, "I should go, I've kept you long enough."

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