Chapter Six

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I hear loud voices.

I groaned in displeasure. I've only just barely awoken and I can already tell I'm hungover. My head was killing me and the voices were not helping. Seriously, go out to drink for one night with friends and you'll be completely incapacitated the next day. Of course, that might just be me, considering my lack of tolerance towards alcohol. A stark difference between me and Jazz, might I add. Knowing her, she'll be up out of bed in no time and going about her day just like a normal person. That girl is a freak I tell you.

In response to my aching head, I try to roll over and press my face into a pillow to muffle out the noises. Good god, that was a mistake. Of course, I only realized my mistake a moment too late and I had already plummeted off the couch and onto the cold, wooden floor. After ever so elegantly falling from grace, I groan in annoyance. I had forgotten that, in my drunken stupor, I had opted to pass out on the couch. Though, that would explain the noises, as I vaguely remember turning the television on before loosing consciousness. Letting out a long sigh, I silently curse my drunken self. I'm a mess.

What time is it anyways...?

Silently, I lift up my wrist and glance at my digital watch, only to read the time. Squinting, I barely make out the numbers.



I can't believe I even managed to wake up after all that alcohol. I should've died from kidney failure, but you're telling me I woke up at three!? God, whatever.

Huffing in displeasure, I begin to notice how parched my throat was. Silently thanking that the television was still turned on, I walk towards the kitchen, the light from the TV illuminating a path. Clumsily grabbing a glass from the cupboard, I eye the water faucet. Without too much struggle, I manage to regain my senses enough to not spill any water. After filling up my cup, I down the glass, the cold liquid quenched my burning throat. Deciding it wasn't enough, I go back for another glass. With a satisfied hum, I realize I don't feel all that tired anymore. Thankfully, it was the weekend and I didn't have anywhere to be tomorrow.

After exiting the kitchen, I turn on a singular lamp by the couch and go to grab my sketching supplies. If I'm not feeling tired right now, I could work on some of my projects. I'd get to be productive and it's an effective method to make me tired.

Two birds with one stone.

Deciding I wanted the background noise, I turned the sound on the television up louder. It was the news channel, also a perfect way to make someone sleepy. I chuckle at my own ingenious and situate myself before starting to sketch. I had decided to work on Winnie's eye, after all, I really wanted to get it done for her. So, for the millionth time, I began formulating a plan for her eye.

After starting to work, I began to get engrossed in my own world. I couldn't really hear the television anymore and could only pick up bits and pieces of what they were talking about.

"Another victim to-"

"The scene was just as brutal as the last and the family is heartbroken-"

The few bits that I picked up on slowly diverted my attention towards the TV, eventually, I hadn't even noticed, but my hand had stopped moving and I was completely engrossed on what they were saying.

"Mackenzie Klemers is the most recent victim of the mass serial killer that's on the loose."

"An investigation is still underway from the last person that fell victim to them."

I Want To Make You (Eyeless Jack X Prosthetist!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now